10 Things You Must Teach Your Future Daughter

10 Things You Must Teach Your Future Daughter

Once a man can see and deal with the bad side of modern girls himself, the next question is obvious. How does he prevent or limit the infestation in his own family? How does he produce the better kind of daughters that are now so tragically rare?

The first thing to realize is that remaining silent and hoping things will work out is really just surrender. Perhaps there was a time in the past when most of the messages your daughter received in the outside world would have been positive and things might have worked themselves out. That is certainly not true today.

Your daughter’s information will come from school, external childcare, TV, computer time, time with friends, time with other family members, homework, books and songs. Most likely every one of those channels will be jammed full of negative messages. That’s one of the reasons there are so many girls around who are tattooed, pierced, overweight, childless, slutty office drones.

Luckily there are lots of things a man can do to help steer his daughters in the right direction. One of those is simply to talk about better, clean, and appropriate ambitions for girls. But this is not easy to do. It’s ineffective to simply bring up the topic for a serious talk out of the blue. The best way is to wait for an example or opportunity to present itself, then just hang a comment about it out there for her to hear.

It’s a bullseye if she picks it up, responds, and makes herself receptive to follow up, but don’t try to force it. Here are ten which I find effective at presenting positive, family-oriented ideas to girls and which can be endlessly repeated while retaining their impact.

1. No girl can be happy until she is a mother

10 Things You Must Teach Your Future Daughter

Happier in the office?

The beauty of this statement is that it’s of wide application and so easy to justify. After all, what girl doesn’t have or observe situations where she or another girl is unhappy with something in her present life? Every time school, or friends, or work are hard for a girl, just imply that her dissatisfaction will be healed when she is a successful, happy mother.

2. Why would a man want to spend his life with a bad woman?

10 Things You Must Teach Your Future Daughter

Perfect a good time, not for a lifetime

Every girl naturally wants to be loved and treasured by a high-value man for her whole life. Even the most dreadful feminists generally conceal that as their secret aim. So every time a disgusting troll heaves herself into view, shows her dreadful personality or displays a horrible bit of decoration, point out the offense. It can be kind of fun to notice and describe what doesn’t make a man want to spend his life with a girl. It’s also very effective for teaching young girls about what is a good idea and what is not.

Occasionally it will even lead to an opportunity to say something about the difference between the short term interest a man might show for the troll and the better, longer term kind he shows for the better girls.

3. Girls are better than boys at looking after families

10 Things You Must Teach Your Future Daughter

No man could make a kitchen look this good

Be sparing in trying to tell a girl that she just doesn’t have physical ability, temperament, or time off from being a mother to be a SAS commando, astronaut, or fire fighter. It’s an uphill struggle and may end up encouraging her to trust the legions of people who will tell her she can and should do anything a boy does.

Instead, flip the problem over and spend time praising the things she can do better than boys. She will love to hear all about it.

4. Some things are just for boys

10 Things You Must Teach Your Future Daughter

Wait until she is failing or resenting being made to act like a boy. When she really, really wants to hear that she doesn’t have to, just casually mention that it is for boys anyway. She will jump at the chance to do something more feminine and love it.

5. It’s sad to see so many girls wasting their lives on study and work

10 Things You Must Teach Your Future Daughter

Caution! Wall ahead

Beating men at the job of being men is now the favored “role model” for our society to present to girls. Never tire of pointing out what a waste of a girl’s life that is.

6. It’s good to have a big family

10 Things You Must Teach Your Future Daughter

Nearly every message she receives from the outside world, even from other relatives, will state or imply that fewer or no children is better. She will be encouraged over and over again to use contraceptives and even abortion. People will try to scare her into thinking she needs to be impossibly rich before she can afford to be a mother. People will ridicule large families as failures, trailer trash, and welfare queens.

Give her some opportunity to hear a positive word about having children.

7. We don’t do that in our family

10 Things You Must Teach Your Future Daughter

None of that around here, thank you

Appeals to identity are powerful means for persuasion. Does it make sense? Not really. Does it work? Absolutely. Just keep mentioning the fact that our family and by implication she is too good to fall into whatever form of degeneracy is in view.

8. What we need is ladylike behavior at all times

10 Things You Must Teach Your Future Daughter

Ladylike is a good word to connect to positive femininity. It hasn’t suffered from being redefined by leftists much, everyone seems to understand what it means in a positive way, and a father can be fairly sure he will have the word to himself. The fact that it’s a bit out of fashion and consequently means much the same thing it did in the past is a huge advantage.

9. Being a mother is the most important job for a girl

10 Things You Must Teach Your Future Daughter

Another good answer to the assumption that the study and areer track is the meaning of life is to simply state that there is another, more important job for each and every girl.

10. A girl needs to start her family as soon as possible

The rest of the world will try to trick your daughter into wasting the best years of her reproductive life on an arts degree followed by a pointless career and endless fiddling with iPhones. At best there might be some vague concession to the idea of forming a family and having children “someday.” Be sure that at least one man tells her how stupid that life plan is and encourages her to take a better path.

Men must not be silent

10 Things You Must Teach Your Future Daughter

As fathers we have great influence over our daughters and sons. Children are desperate to learn how to live and to have their behavior approved of by parents. It’s not an automatic process, though—too many men allow themselves to default into silence and surrender that influence. Don’t.

Your daughter’s future depends on it.

Read More: Who Do You Want Your Daughter To Marry?


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