16 Magazine Covers That Will Trigger The Feminists And SJWs In Your Life

16 Magazine Covers That Will Trigger The Feminists And SJWs In Your Life

Due to the unsightly epidemic of beta-male behavior that is currently exploding all around us—the acceleration of which was largely caused by feminism and SJW’s—I recently came up with the idea for a series of satirical men’s magazine covers with the title, Modern Beta Magazine.

After putting them into the comments section of some articles here at ROK not long ago, and summarily being asked by various readers if they could look at them all in one place, I have attempted to comply with those numerous requests right here…

So here they are. All 16 covers.

1. Cooking for cucks

16 Magazine Covers That Will Trigger The Feminists And SJWs In Your Life

2. The winning play

16 Magazine Covers That Will Trigger The Feminists And SJWs In Your Life

3. Increase that beta sex drive

16 Magazine Covers That Will Trigger The Feminists And SJWs In Your Life

4. Earn extra holiday cash

16 Magazine Covers That Will Trigger The Feminists And SJWs In Your Life

5. 10 solid apologies

16 Magazine Covers That Will Trigger The Feminists And SJWs In Your Life

6. Rock her world

16 Magazine Covers That Will Trigger The Feminists And SJWs In Your Life

7. Pigeon-feeding tips

16 Magazine Covers That Will Trigger The Feminists And SJWs In Your Life

8. No means no

16 Magazine Covers That Will Trigger The Feminists And SJWs In Your Life

9. Let your wife sleep around – sound wisdom

16 Magazine Covers That Will Trigger The Feminists And SJWs In Your Life

10. She’s not a slut

16 Magazine Covers That Will Trigger The Feminists And SJWs In Your Life

11. Tell her you are CIA

16 Magazine Covers That Will Trigger The Feminists And SJWs In Your Life

12. Should you fake bulimia?

16 Magazine Covers That Will Trigger The Feminists And SJWs In Your Life

13. Positive benefits of divorce rape

16 Magazine Covers That Will Trigger The Feminists And SJWs In Your Life

14. Shadow puppets and other cool things

16 Magazine Covers That Will Trigger The Feminists And SJWs In Your Life

15. Quenching beta thirst

16 Magazine Covers That Will Trigger The Feminists And SJWs In Your Life

16. Calisthenics for cucks

16 Magazine Covers That Will Trigger The Feminists And SJWs In Your Life


Well, gentlemen, at least for today, we are still blessed with freedom of speech. Tomorrow is another story, however, especially if the myriad betas, cucks and simps—and their SJW and feminist handlers—get their way. So please do whatever you can to fight back. Make every possible attempt to wake up those men who are still on the fence. Because if you don’t, they might wind up exactly like the feckless fools on the above magazine covers.

You’ll be glad you did. And you’ll sleep a lot better at night, too.

Sharing this article with your friends and family members might be a good idea as well, if you feel these faux magazine covers have merit. And if those people should become irritated or shocked by them, well, consider it a blessing in disguise…because if that happens, you have just identified some serious beta males.

And as the entire manosphere already knows, they can definitely use all the help they can get…

16 Magazine Covers That Will Trigger The Feminists And SJWs In Your LifeIf you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh's book Free Speech Isn't Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.

Read More: 20 Signs That We’re Not Living In A Patriarchy


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