Porn is now an accepted feature of life in the digital age. It’s nearly impossible that it wouldn’t be. Everyone has cell phones and every cell phone acts like a mini-TV connected to the internet. When you combine that with Youtube-style free websites like Pornhub and Youporn, everyone is essentially walking around with porn in their pockets. The anything-goes debauchery of 21st-century life only further makes porn a given rather than exception.
The porn industry is not immune to the value society places victimhood. While it may sound oxymoronic to hear that the porn industry is trying to virtue signal, the acceptance of porn as the norm allows them the possibility to do so, but the nature of what the porn industry does prevents them from being taken seriously no matter hard they try. Here are three examples of that.
1. Mental Illness
From November of 2017 to January of 2018, five prominent porn stars died due to either suicide or drug abuse. The most prominent of these five was August Ames. After she called out a male porn star for also doing gay porn (which puts anyone he works with at increased risk of contracting HIV), she was attacked by SJWs for being homophobic. This, combined with depression and perhaps other mental illnesses, drove her to commit suicide. She was found in a California park hanging dead.
After the deaths of Ames and the four other girls, the virtue signaling started. The Adult Performer Advocacy Committee states, “We ask that our community practice compassion, sympathy, and empathy with one another because there is so much outside of our industry working against us.” August Ames husband (yes, they get married for some reason) started The August Project after her death.
The porn industry’s hypocrisy comes from the claim that the outside world is working against them. Actually, porn is more accepted than ever. Nobody is preventing them from getting mental health services. Their mental illnesses come from two places. The first is the self-selecting nature of the porn industry. Only people with some emotional issues choose to present themselves as sex objects. Only women with self-esteem issues let groups of men pulverize their anuses and present the evidence to the world for a few thousand dollars.
The second source of their mental illness, as if the first wasn’t enough, is what happens to their psyche after they start making films. In just four years, from ages 19-23, August Ames shot 270 scenes. That’s more than one scene a week in which she presented herself as a sex object to the world. How could anyone who wasn’t deluding themselves see her as anything but? The same could be said for any of the other four that died.
The world isn’t working against the porn industry’s paltry attempts to solve their mental health problems. The porn industry is causing its own mental health problems.
2. #MeToo
In 2016 Nikki Benz, Canadian porn star and 2010 Penthouse Pet, claimed to be sexually assaulted on set. She accused the director and male co-star of the film of the assault, which was filmed. After meeting with the DA, the DA declined to take her case. Benz then decided to sue the production company for failing to put procedures in place that would have protected her.
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Benz had agreed to perform an anal scene during this shoot. The crew was dismissed leaving only her, the director, and the male co-star on set. She claims that she was brutalized (presumably, something along the lines of forced sodomy) to the point of bleeding and that she was choked by the director while taking it from the co-star. She claims she had not agreed to any third party participating beforehand.
Part of the reason this case was declined by the DA is that jurors would have a hard time distinguishing between acting (the industry refers to porn stars as actresses or models more than prostitutes) and reality. Given some of the most degrading things these “actresses” do this is reasonable. So while porn stars can certainly be assaulted, and while they should not be assaulted, is it anyone’s fault but their own when nobody takes their assault claims seriously?
When you present yourself a certain way to the world, the world will see you that way, for better or worse.
3. Female Empowerment
There is a Netflix documentary about the shady underbelly of amateur porn called Hot Girls Wanted. Roosh has an excellent review of it. But there is also a Hot Girls Wanted Netflix documentary series. The first episode of that is about female porn directors and how empowered they are. If you watched that episode you’d think porn is actually good for women. Porn lets women take sexuality into their own hands or some other nonsense.

Mother and daughter pornographers
But five dead women tell a different tale. Matt Forney on Return of Kings asked three years ago when the UVA rape scandal and mattress girl were in the news why the rape of porn star Cytherea went ignored by feminists. Were those five dead women, Cytherea, and Nikki Benz empowered by their choices?
I once worked with a girl who was later revealed to have been in a backroom casting couch scene. Nobody thought much about her before we knew. Afterward, it’s all we saw in her. I’m no doctor, but there’s no doubt in my mind this girl had emotional problems that required the aid of mental health professionals. Instead, she tried to get into porn and just got one more giant problem to stack onto all her other problems.
As much as the porn industry would like to virtue signal and play the victim, their recorded actions betray them. They lack virtue. They are victims of their own decadence.
For more from Jared Trueheart on the roles of men and women in literature and film check out his writing at Legends of Men.
Read More: 7 Great Ways For Leftists To Virtue Signal Against Nazis
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