In line with the you-go-girl attitude of most of today’s media, a message that is drummed into our heads year after year is that women entering the workplace is good for the economy. We are told that the world’s most successful economies all have the highest rates of female participation in the workplace…conveniently ignoring the possibility that the world’s richest countries simply have the most money to throw away on equality schemes.
While this is part of a larger issue, one economists could endlessly debate, let’s fire off a salvo with three obvious areas where women’s escape from the kitchen has cost us dearly.
1. Decreasing Household Size
The size of the average American household has shrunk from 3.33 in 1960 to 2.54 today. Doing the math, there are more than 26 million extra houses today than there otherwise would be. Urban sprawl and the skyrocketing cost of living are huge issues, but what no one in today’s political scene wants to mention is that one of the main drivers is the disintegrating family unit.
From what information I can find, the average cost of simply running a house is in the vicinity of $1,500 a month – and that’s before you eat, drive or wear clothes.
So that’s nearly $500 billion extra Americans pay each year because of how much our families have shrunk. Rather than having two adults and three or four children living in a home, you might have a single divorced parent and one or two children rattling around inside a vast McMansion.
If you’re a millennial out there wondering why houses cost so much, blame the millions of baby boomers who were evicted from their homes by their frustrated spouses and promptly squeezed you out of the market.
What has caused this shift? It would seem to be an unholy alliance that is depressingly common in the modern west, that between big corporations trying to maximize their profits, and left-wing ideologues unwilling to admit their grand social experiment is failing.
Corporations, of course, want people to consume as much as possible. The more useless junk they can peddle to the average person, the more comfortable their profit margins. it’s extremely good business when a family splits and nearly all of its major assets have to be duplicated. Suddenly you can sell twice as many cars, fridges, washing machines, microwaves and other products.
Sharing in general seems anathema in the modern west. We see it as some 19th century Bolshevik crap. In what I think is one of the most egregious examples, why on Earth do 70% of all households own a lawnmower? Its something you get out and use for maybe half an hour once a month. If we were just the slightest bit more organized and willing to cooperate, we could easily share lawnmowers between every twenty or even fifty households.
Left-wing politicians however, are equally culpable. They are the ones who have demonized the family and local community alike, who have encouraged people to abandon personal responsibility in favor of state-sponsored babysitting. Everyone is speshell. You deserve your own lawn mower, your own house! God forbid anyone start prodding precious little snowflakes out of their comfort zones.
2. Soaring Childcare Costs
In the aftermath of WW2, 12% of mothers with pre-school aged children were in the workforce. Today that figure is over 65%. On what I’m sure is a completely unrelated note, in 1987 there were 260,000 childcare facilities in America, today there are nearly 800,000.
Every week, more than 11 million children in America and shipped off to daycare, an industry that now brings in revenues of tens of billions of dollars annually. This industry has created more than two million completely unnecessary (and moderately shitty) jobs.
In an expensive state like New York, full-time care for an infant in a daycare center can cost you over $15,000. For working married couples this is often more than 15% of their income, and for single mothers more than 65%.
We have raised a generation of mothers who, rather than staying at home and providing their children with the loving care no one else could equal, have instead decided to go work in a meaningless, 40-hour-a-week desk job. They then have to spend a significant chunk of that income to pay a complete stranger to babysit their kids for them.
Again, this shift has been driven by the usual culprits. Childcare jobs may not pay particularly well, but in today’s economy anything will go, and criticizing single mothers for irresponsible behavior is, of course, intolerable to the left. Abandoned your husband, squirreled away the kids, then found yourself unable to afford the cost of raising them? Better shower them with a bit more welfare, paid for by working couples whose marriages didn’t implode.
A further element to this, though even harder to quantify, are the added medical costs of birthing a generation of children to much older mothers. In 1970 the average new mother was aged 21, today they are at least 26.
Delaying childbirth beyond your early twenties leads to increased risk your offspring will suffer from a long list of diseases, including diabetes, dementia, blindness, heart disease, sclerosis and other genetic conditions. A few of the more severe examples, like Down Syndrome, can be intercepted by the growing abortion industry, but most will surely fly under the radar in the womb and be revealed later in life.
While there are surely other causes, if you’ve ever wondered why we seem to be raising a generation of autistic, asthmatic, allergy-suffering little monsters, older mothers is a big, big cause.
3. Increasing Costs Of Retirement
For a generation that struggles to think beyond the purchase of their next iPhone, retirement is an unimaginably distant prospect for a millennial. Unfortunately, decisions you make when you are young, certainly no later than your twenties, can greatly affect you in your old age.
In an era when stable marriages were the norm, couples would grow old prepared to care for their spouse when they grew too feeble to do it themselves. Failing that, younger relatives, particularly their children, could do the same.
Of course, this doesn’t cover all costs related to retirement. Eventually, both members of a couple will grow too old or else one will already have died, requiring outside help. It is also not always practical for an elder relative to be taken in by their descendants. However, this situation was usually delayed for many years.
In the 21st century this is no longer the case. Much like childcare, nursing an elderly person is no longer the domain of family, but has been outsourced to strangers, ones who will hardly work for free. This makes aged care a booming industry – not just because there are more old people, but there are more alone old people.
In the US today, roughly 1.4 million people live in nursing homes at any given time. The cost annually per person is around $80,000, putting the overall cost at well over $100 billion a year. It is hard to put an exact number on it, but perhaps half of this cost would be unnecessary if the bonds of family had not been so utterly frayed over the last fifty years.
Most tragically of all, this is a problem that is only going to escalate as time goes on. Already at 50%, the divorce rate can’t soar all that much higher, nor the portion of working mothers, but today’s elderly grew up in a word where long-term marriages were the norm.
What happens when today’s youth reach that stage? What happens when you have tens of millions of individuals, utterly disconnected from their families or their community, queuing up for wildly expensive nursing homes?
And will tomorrow’s taxpayers, increasingly the children of recent immigrants to whom the white man is apparently an oppressor, be willing to fund their lavish retirement?
Of all the demographic time bombs set to go off in the coming decades, this one perhaps scares me the most. We have forgotten one of the oldest lessons of the traditional family – that no ones remains young and healthy forever. Generation Y almost seems to have bet on medical science curing the aging process before they get old, but what guarantee is there of that?
Ignoring that possibility, eventually you will grow old and feeble. Eventually you will have difficulty wiping your own ass, and will require someone to wipe it for you. Once you’ve cut ties with family, the only group who might have done this work for free, what choice is there but to hire others? And if you can’t afford it out of pocket, who else will the financial burden fall upon?
In summary
Overall, the collapse of the family unit probably costs America the better part of a trillion dollars every year. Don’t expect anyone to own up to it however. Hell will freeze over before modern society begins holding women accountable for irrational, irresponsible spending.
Still, karma is a bitch. Someday, that blue-haired, nose-ringed feminist you knew in school will be an old lady sitting in a nursing home, with no husband to care for her and no children to visit her. After a lifetime of criticizing them, her fate will finally and irrevocably be in the hands of society’s hardworking taxpayers.
Frankly, I don’t think she deserves a cent.
Read More: Society Can’t Afford The Educated Woman
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