As the designs of the New World Order become less fuzzy and come into focus with time, a frightening and uttterly anti-human array of agenda items appear. Those who wish to shed some light on the looming visions of sociopathic madmen glaring down with contempt on the commoners should look no further than Ecoscience, a sprawling, 1051 page book by radical environmentalists Paul Ehrlich and John Holdren, the latter of which who served on the White House Council on Science and Technology in the outgoing, Communist administration of Barack Hussein Obama.
But just because leftist elites and their environmentalist puppets have temporarily taken a back seat doesn’t mean they’ve gone away. Nor has their agenda. As you well know the enemies of Trump’s populism are chomping at the bit to regain power and institute such insanity as the agenda items you’re about to see.
Looking at four agenda items on the leftist elite’s wish list is enough to raise the hair on a man’s neck, and gives us insight as to what’s really happening when power brokers get together and have meetings. Meantime, as their bidding is done Western economies are crippled by financiers and humans are managed like cows by encroaching electronic tyranny.
Here’s four ways they want to impact your life.
1. Government Control Over Air, Water, And Soil

Tax the air we breathe, control how much water we use, and control the soil we grow crops on is the goal of leftist authoritarians
If you ever felt like you were not a person but a number on a spreadsheet at your corporate office and in the government’s database, you are correct in that assumption. In the view of elites and leftists, humans are nothing more than a cancer on the planet. Ehrlich and Holdren detail their dream of having the government control land, sea, and sky.
Their dream is to have anything involving air, water, or soil under world government control. Hence, the doubling down on the global warming agenda in media and elsewhere since Trump’s EPA man started gutting some of the most intrusive policies.
The goals are taxing the air we breathe, carving up water resources and ceding them them out to corporate-government control, and intrusive measures that keep people from growing their own food and “living off the land.” The air your breathe, the water you have in your well, and the crops you grow on your land will all be subject to control.
None will be free, and all will be subject to micromanagement. One can envision a world in which oxygen is taxed, drinking water is rationed, and it’s illegal to grow your own food.
2. Limit Science And Technology

Government control of science and technology is another agenda item
As detailed in Ecoscience, leftist authoritarians want a science court, which will decide which inventions will be accepted and which will be banned by a small cabal of elitists who will run the entire world.
Science and technology will be co-opted to suit their agendas. Elitists want to micromanage everything from the temperature in your living room, to the amount of food you get to eat, to the kind of car your drive and how many miles you get to drive it. If this sounds beyond the reach of central planners in government, bear in mind that’s exactly what 5G, Global WiFi, and RFID are being designed to do, as last week’s article touched on.
Centralized control of science and technology is intended to reduce world population. The bottom line is elites and their government employees want less people on Earth and more authoritarian control over the people that remain. As Holdren says in one of his presentations:
Lower [population] is better for lots of reasons: 8 billion people in 2100 is preferable by far to 10 billion.
But, as we will see in a moment the ultimate goal is to de-populate the planet even further than that.
3. Stopping World Economic Development

Governments want to manage the lives of people like farmers manages those of livestock
As Africa, China and Latin America imitate Western economic development, the agenda is to stop them from developing, and in fact reverse development in already industrialized Western nations. Environmentalists like Erhlich and Holdren are pushing to roll back progress to bring humans back to a state of living equaling that of pre-industrial civilization: lifespans of 30-35 years which are both short and brutish.
Incidentally, the aforementioned global warming agenda also ties into stopping economic development in other countries. The agenda is tantamount to telling other nations not to do what America and Europe did to pull themselves out of poverty and provide a better life for their people.
Additionally, the authors of Ecoscience says nations like India and Bangladesh need to be placed into what they call triage – cutting off all food aid and extending no credit to them from the world government. In essence, the design of the world government will literally be to let hundreds of millions starve to death. And that’s only the beginning.
4. Optimum Population of Earth: 1 Billion

The Georgia Guidestones call for limiting world population to 500 million
This is where things really get hairy with the assembling planetary regime. Going by “optimum population” numbers detailed in Ecoscience, around 6 billion people need to die. The effect this would have on modern economies is unimaginable, as population growth is correlated with economic prosperity and population decline is correlated with economic decline and depression. The Georgia Guidestones take this ideology a step further, claiming 500 million people is the “optimum population.” Is this why World War III seems to draw nigh every time the Neocons speak, as they constantly court war with Russia and Iran?
What are some other ways the eco nuts – doing the bidding of the elite, make no mistake – want to accomplish their goal of population decline?
There are plans to draw up “Population Laws.” Effectively, this means people will have to get licensed to give birth. A couple will literally need government permission to get pregnant. Don’t get the license and blessing of your rulers? You will face forced adoption and government-mandated abortions. Abortions, already responsible for 45 million deaths since 1973 will become even more commonplace. From Ecoscience:
It has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society.
But why stop there? There are plans to overthrow the “existing Constitution” and replace it with world government. From there, the NWO can start sterilizing people through drinking water. From Ecoscience:
Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods is a suggestion that seems to horrify people more than most proposals for involuntary fertility control. Indeed, this would pose some very difficult political, legal, and social questions, to say nothing of the technical problems. No such sterilant exists today, nor does one appear to be under development. To be acceptable, such a substance would have to meet some rather stiff requirements: it must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock.
And of course, it would have to be socially engineered into the silly putty minds of the sheeple who would be subject to being sterilized by drinking water. Or food.

Leftoid crazies want complete control over your life
Predictably, those who wish to institute this Draconian control over human life demand world government, enforced by a police and surveillance state which will supersede national sovereignty:
If this could be accomplished, security might be provided by an armed international organization, a global analogue of a police force. Many people have recognized this as a goal, but the way to reach it remains obscure in a world where factionalism seems, if anything, to be increasing. The first step necessarily involves partial surrender of sovereignty to an international organization.
Obviously, this agenda item is already well underway with the dissolution of national sovereignty in America and Europe. Once the most powerful nations on earth are sufficiently homogenized, weaker nations will follow, tumbling like a house of cards into the New World Order.
Many of these policies are rooted in radical 1960s/1970s leftist ideology such as that written in The Population Bomb by Ehrlich, which predicted overpopulation would ruin many countries, when in fact the exact opposite has happened. Europe, Japan, Russia and many other nations are experiencing population decline, and that is ruining them. Not overpopulation. Which means, these goals are as outdated as other leftist agenda items, and they threaten mankind in incalculable ways.
If instituted, these policies add a new dimension to the already dystopian world unfolding all around us. George Orwell said it best:
“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.
Indeed, that is the world currently being foisted upon mankind in the early 21st century.
Read More: US Government Goes Full Retard And Backs War Draft For Women
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