Leftist ideology has been bankrupt for quite some time now. Things seriously took a wrong turn with Karl Marx. Even moderate liberalism hasn’t been much to write home about for the last fifty years, as the negatives outweigh the positives. Despite all that, some of their strategies are on the right track.
Planning ahead

“Dear Mr. Alinsky, I’m your number one fan. Can’t wait for your new book! I want to be just like you some day. XOXOXO, Hillary”
Even when leftists aren’t in power, they’re busily planning how to get there. Afterward, they figure out how to retain control. I must admit that some of their plans were fairly brilliant, even though what they did afterward didn’t work out so well.
For some examples, consider Lenin’s 1902 revolutionary blueprint, What is to be Done? The Bolsheviks started here from the ground floor, and fifteen years later they took over the largest country in the world. During the 1930s, Max Horkheimer and his Frankfurt School pals developed cultural Marxism; in time, it spread throughout the universities and strongly influenced the 1960s counterculture.
Also during the 1960s, the Democrats introduced some major changes into American federal law which created voter blocs beholden to them. Although the Soviet Union fell, Western progressivism took on a life of its own. “Communism Lite” became PC orthodoxy, assuming nearly religious dimensions despite being complete nonsense.
Naturally, the world would be a better place if leftists made as much effort figuring out things that actually work to improve society. Fortunately, our job will be pretty simple; we don’t need to devise radical and untested policies, or even do much theorizing. We can go quite far simply by pointing out how leftist policies failed, and (when we’re in a position to do so) replace them with what worked in the past. Until then, we should start planning the road to victory.
At long last, leftist narratives are slipping. In fact, through their dysfunctional behavior and policies, they’ve delivered to us a truckload of rhetorical ammo. We should keep discrediting them mercilessly. For just one example, imagine the results if the public understood what feminism was really about and recognized how they’ve wrecked society. Their spell is fading already; let’s keep stamping this—and other nutty leftist narratives—into the ground.
Further, the media’s stranglehold on information has been seriously challenged. We can do our part as individuals by helping to Red Pill the public. By striking while the iron is hot, we can achieve critical mass. After that, great possibilities will be within reach.
We should make other plans as well, to handle any possible contingencies that might develop along the way. A few examples include censorship (particularly in Europe), political violence directed against us (the Antifags, among others), government repression (like domestic spying), or establishment politicians throwing the public a bone but changing nothing (Margaret Thatcher and Angela Merkel, etc.) For too long, the right has been on the defensive; with proper planning, we can change this.
In many respects, the radical left is much more diverse than the alternative right. Some leftist alliances make no ideological sense, and the only purpose is to build a coalition opposed to Western civilization. There are vastly conflicting agendas on the left. Smoldering resentments sometimes reach the surface, but for the most part they’re managing to keep everyone in lockstep.
Sometimes it’s quite ridiculous, but they don’t care. For one example, some feminists cozy up to radical Islam, despite the highly regressive nature of Sharia law. Sometimes these silly people even say that wearing a ninja suit is “liberating”. It’ll be an utter disaster for feminists if the jihadists they’re trying to empower take over, but that doesn’t bother them either.
On the right side, things have been much more fragmented for ages. Unfortunately, armchair Caesars are partially at fault. I’ll just say that those who dream of recognition should earn it. The left certainly has its share of armchair Lenins, but we don’t have the time to waste with big egos and big talkers.
Other fragmentation is from ideological disagreements. Granted, there are genuine questions about where we want to go that eventually will have to be resolved. The good news is that the alternative right isn’t purely reactionary as some believe, or bound to dogmatic theory; we’re pragmatically interested in what will be best for our people.
In any event, petty squabbles aren’t constructive. We should let our various factions develop naturally and keep sniping to a minimum. Those with the best ideas will come out ahead. Let’s save our rhetorical firepower for leftists whose misguided and often malicious policies are harming society.
This includes avoiding declarations like “I’m not an extremist, unlike this guy a little to my right.” Republicans have fallen for this again and again. This greatly limits their effectiveness and assists leftist “salami slicing” tactics.
Consequentially, mainstream conservative discourse isn’t allowed to stray an inch outside of the Overton Window of “respectable” opinion. (Who gets to define what is mainstream and respectable? Think about it.) When have liberals ever rushed to denounce one of their own for ideological heresy, or even for being too chummy with radicals (like Saul Alinsky or Bill Ayers) or hobnobbing with foreign dictators (like Fidel Castro or Muammar Gadhafi)?
All told, not everyone on our side will see things the same way. Constructive debate and even limited criticism aren’t bad. Still, we should seek to have no enemies on the right. For example, some might see the “alt right versus alt lite” schism as separating the wheat from the chaff, but we’d be better off opposing our common foes who’d be happy to censor us all.
If from the beginning we’d struggled against our real enemies as much as we were fighting each other, we’d be much closer to the finish line. For these reasons, we should focus on commonalities, and beware of “purity spirals”. Never let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

“Those unruly peasants are criticizing my policies, Zuckie! Do they think this is a free country or something?” “Don’t worry, Angie; they know too much, so we’ll shut it down.”
Quite remarkably, the Weathermen had ties to dozens of radical organizations (Communist and otherwise), not just in the USA but in several countries abroad. This enabled joint operations, and they even were guests at a conference in Havana. How did fugitives, holed up in one grubby hideout after another, do all that?
They were active mostly during the 1970s, when they would’ve had to rely on pay phones, snail mail, and private conversation. It’s unclear how exactly they acquired and maintained all those contacts (though I have a few ideas), but they were remarkably successful at it.
We should be organizing and building our contacts too. It’s very easy, because Al Gore invented the series of tubes we call the Interwebs. Not only will this help our short-term efforts, networking is a major part of how things get done in politics. This has a greater role in history than most people suspect, from personal friendships to shadowy globalist clubs.

More fun than going to the gym
I’ll have to credit leftists for being very highly motivated. Moderate conservatives are all too often “Joe Sixpack” types, trusting that everything will be peachy once their candidate gets elected and cleans house. (Maybe taking a more active role toward shaping their destiny might could be prudent?) Meanwhile, even moderate liberals often get involved in demonstrations and other activism.
Rightists tend to be more concerned with self-improvement, careers, and our social lives. Indeed, some leftists have quite a bit of free time on their hands. We will have to close the gap by using our time judiciously. Every day, we should be doing something to advance our cause, even simply a conversation to enlighten someone.
Another thing holding us back is fear. Many are afraid of what their friends might think, or their employers, etc. A friend who can’t tolerate a difference of opinion isn’t much of a friend, and an employer shouldn’t pry into an employee’s private life, but still these are legitimate concerns. Even so, we’ll have to take calculated risks; the stakes are too high to conform to petty tyranny.
Read More: The Argument For Adopting Leftist Tactics To Defeat The Left
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