We all want to be more efficient in our daily lives, don’t we? Some people are undoubtedly better at managing their time then others, but unless you are in fact The Clock King, you could probably make yourself at least somewhat more efficient. This article will discuss methods of time management, but before we get to that, we have to discuss the interesting story of a guy who used military precision to commit crimes—a sterling example of “rogue learning,” lessons learned from bad people.
A Brief Bio of Herman Lamm
As I like to say, you can learn just as much from a bad person as you can from a good person, in one way or another. And Herman Lamm (the man in the above image) certainly proves that to be the case.
Originally a Prussian military officer, Lamm immigrated to the USA in the early 20th century, and quickly established himself as a bank robber—and an exemplary one—by using his military training to develop contingency plans for if the plan went wrong, and all in all “taking the guesswork” out of crime. Developing techniques such as casing out the bank, timing the operation (always pulling out within 5 minutes, regardless of the amount of money looted), and designating roles for each member of the gang, Lamm is to this day known as the father of modern robbery.
Although I have no interest in crime, I can see how military efficiency and “Deutscheprezision” can be useful for a man on the right side of the law in addition to the wrong one.
So if you feel that you don’t have time for anything other than eating, sleeping, and fapping, perhaps you ought to take a long look at your life and see if it can’t be made more efficient, and thus apply the “Lamm” technique to your own life.
And with that, I feel we can devise some general tips on efficiency. Some of them may seem obvious to you, or may already be something you use, but I’ve always felt that there are no things so obvious that at least one dumbass out there didn’t get it the first time.
1. Realize that most of what you do in the day is unimportant.
Without any exaggeration I can say that most of what you think is important…is not. So if you want to be more efficient, cut out the hours of Twitter or Netflix or anything else. If you MUST have some sort of background noise, put on a podcast and move on. Simple!
2. Prioritize!
People occasionally ask me how I could possibly write two articles, make a video, and work a day job each and every week, in addition to the various long term projects I do. There’s a few factors, but the first one is that I have learned how to prioritize what has to be done immediately. Those tasks are always the ones I complete first. Think about what has to be done today, or within the week, and get that stuff done first.
It works best if, at the start of your week, you think and objectively write down what tasks are the most important to be done, and which can be put off until after the priorities are done. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” and all that.
3. Timers
So you’ve written out a daily schedule. Good for you! Any musician will tell you that the easiest way to learn a song is to subdivide it into easily digestible chunks, and you can do that by timing your daily tasks to avoid wasting dead time and thus stay as efficient as possible.
An example of this: I do timed shadow boxing as a cardio workout, in five minute intervals, but when the bell goes off for each interval, I will of course be tired and occasionally I’ll waste time by recuperating, changing my music/podcast, etc.
But I figured out a way to maximize my time: I do timed rest intervals with productive non-strenuous activity in between. In other words, after each round of shadowboxing, I will do a timed two minute interval of body hardening, sandblasting, or stretching. Thus I get a complete martial arts workout in less than one hour.
4. “Work While At Work”
And now, my dirty little secret for maximizing profitability—I make the pointless make-work of modern life productive by doing other labors during the 9-5. While as a personal trainer my day to day job is probably more productive than your average cubicle jockey, the majority of my time is not, in fact, training people.
As I explain in this article, the majority of the time a personal trainer is engaged in long periods of being a glorified janitor, a glorified file clerk, or doing nothing at all (yeah yeah, it’s supposed to be “mingling with the attendees”, but like hell I want to talk about sportsball with some normie with a dadbod).
Thus, I find myself packing a little pocket notebook in my back pocket to jot down ideas for articles. Depending on your situation and interests, you can bring a sketchpad, or a blueprint for some project, or a paperback. Or, even if you’ve just got your phone, download the Kindle App and read a book instead of blowing 10 minutes on Facebook.
When you get productive things done at work, that leaves you more time to relax at home. Just make sure that your boss doesn’t see you, which is why I recommend something that fits in your pocket.
While my life on paper doesn’t seem much like that of Herr Lamm, in meticulously planning things out, I find that, like him, I can become more efficient at what I endeavor.
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