The following article was sponsored by Oomi Smart Home
Having a bare-bones apartment or house might save you money, but it won’t impress the girls or make you feel truly at home. If you want to change your home into a sleek pad that will save time, be more aesthetically pleasing, and make your life easier, here are a few steps that you can follow:
1. Install energy-monitoring plugs
How much money are you spending on electricity every month, and how much of it is pure waste? There’s zero reason to blow your cash on power for appliances or devices you aren’t using that much. But how do you find out where you’re wasting money on power?
The answer is to install smart outlets in your house. Smart outlets such as the ones offered by Oomi allow you to monitor energy without any extra work. These outlets feature light bands that change color to indicate how much power is being sucked out of them, allowing you to pinpoint where your money is being burned. Additionally, smart outlets come in a number of different designs, allowing you to choose ones that are tailored to your needs.
2. Get a universal controller
Having different controllers for every bit of multimedia you own, from your stereo system to your big-screen TV, is an incredible hassle. The solution is to combine them with a universal controller. Oomi Touch, for example, enables you to automate your home theater entertainment and the like with a sexy, flexible touchscreen and tactile buttons.
Not only is a universal controller convenient, but it also looks cool. It’s annoying to host a friend or a girl and have to fumble with a million controllers on your coffee table just to turn on some mood music. A universal controller will remove this headache from your life and allow you to simplify your living space.
3. Automate unnecessary chores
You’re a busy man, with stuff to do, people to see and girls to talk to. You can’t afford to waste your time on menial tasks that can be easily handled by a computer. Fortunately, smart home systems enable you to cut unnecessary tasks out of your life.
Oomi IQ is the most powerful, flexible control system available for making your home as smooth and efficient as possible. Oomi actually studies how you are using it, enabling it to come up with suggestions on how to automate tasks around your house. For example, Oomi will watch over your house when you’re out and about as well as turn off lights and the thermostat to save energy. It doesn’t even require internet access to function.
Even better, Oomi doesn’t require any work on your behalf in order to install. While most smart home systems are do it yourself, all Oomi requires you to do is tap products together without having to read through a dense installation manual or spending hours deciphering anything.
4. Design your home the way you want
Everyone has different needs, and smart home systems such as Oomi are designed so that anyone can customize them to fit what they want. Whether you’re interested in making your home safe from predators, greasing the wheels of your home entertainment systems, or just automating a whole bunch of dull tasks, Oomi can help you.
In the 21st century, there’s no need to waste precious time toiling away at basic home tasks. With the power of smart home systems, you can transform your pad into the futuristic, no-stress living space you’ve always wanted. If you want to make your daily life that much less annoying, smart home systems are the way to go.
Click here to check out Oomi’s crowdfunding campaign and to get your hands on the latest technology for customizing your home.
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