5 Mistakes That Most Guys Make When Trying To Text Message A Girl

5 Mistakes That Most Guys Make When Trying To Text Message A Girl

Meeting and attracting women is a challenging process. Not only do you have to summon up the courage to approach a girl in the first place, but you also need to make sure that you have interesting things to say, that you are funny and a little bit cocky, and that you pass all the numerous little tests she’s sure to throw your way.

Even if you manage to get through all of that and successfully get her phone number, the game is really only just beginning, for now you need to maintain the same level of attraction you’ve created so that you can set up a date over text.

The texting part of the puzzle is often forgotten by overzealous guys who jump for joy just because they got a number, not realizing that the real work is only just beginning. Because even if she liked you face-to-face in the moment when you met, you still have to use the right strategies to ensure that she stays interested until you meet again. It is at this point that a great many guys lose girls that should otherwise have been a sure thing.

Here are five of the key mistakes that men make when texting girls and why you should avoid them…

1. Not Using Call Back Humor

5 Mistakes That Most Guys Make When Trying To Text Message A Girl

Let’s say that when you first met a girl she had this cute look about her and you told her she reminded you of a little puppy dog your aunt once had. If you start texting her and you don’t make reference to the cute puppy dog joke then you are seriously missing an opportunity to spike her emotions.

Call back humor of this kind will take her back to the moment you first connected, rekindling the attraction. Having little shared jokes of this kind between really helps to cement your bond and makes it feel as though you’ve known each other for longer than you have.

2. Not Keeping The Ball In Your Court

5 Mistakes That Most Guys Make When Trying To Text Message A Girl

If there’s one thing absolutely necessary to learn and internalize in game, it is that women love to be led. This means not sending her lame questions like ‘How’s it going?’ or ‘What are you up to?’ Use a bit of imagination and make statements instead. Something jokey like, ‘Hey, I just saw a cat that looks just like you’ will get a better response. Avoid the usual dull, mundane chat that she gets from so many other guys.

3. Introducing Explicit Sexual Topics

5 Mistakes That Most Guys Make When Trying To Text Message A Girl

You need to be introducing subtle sexual spikes into your texts, and this is where your interactions start getting fun. Watch out though: don’t go too crazy and crude. It’s far better to keep it subtle with things like ‘You’re bad news, I knew it,’ or ‘Cool, that’s my fetish.’ Another one is ‘You’re definitely going to get me into trouble.’ These examples make your messages a little naughty and suggestive without pushing things so far over the line that she gets scared off.

4. Not Striking While The Iron’s Hot

5 Mistakes That Most Guys Make When Trying To Text Message A Girl

This one is absolutely key—text game is great up to a point, but when the time is right you need to push the button and get her out on a date. If you don’t then you run a very real chance of allowing the whole thing to go flat, causing you to lose the girl altogether. Knowing precisely when she is ready isn’t always easy and definitely comes with practice, but if her messages are coming through quickly and she seems interested then you need to go ahead and tell her you want to meet up. If you don’t then she’s liable to get bored and turned off pretty quickly.

5. Not Using Humor and Mass Texts To Rekindle Flaky Numbers

5 Mistakes That Most Guys Make When Trying To Text Message A Girl

All of those old numbers in your phone that went nowhere are not necessarily dead—they’re lying dormant. What you need to do is send out the odd humorous mass text to all of them to see if any girls bite. Try something like ‘Hey, just making sure you’re attending my screening tonight. My new film ‘Penis’ starts at 8pm – hope to see you there!’ Or simply send out a picture of a flower with dog poo behind it saying how much you miss her. As stupid as these tricks may sound, you’d be surprised how much interest you can rekindle with a cheeky mass text like this.

Given how important the texting side of game is, it’s truly surprising how many men leave it entirely to chance and hope that just by sending out a few poorly-thought out messages they’re going to score. Luckily, Love Systems has produced an incredibly powerful product available to solve just this issue.

The Ultimate Guide To Phone And Text Game is a 290-page digital book, compiled by instructor Nick Braddock after ten years of research. It tells you everything you need to know about text game. Here’s a small sample of what it includes…

  • A thorough grounding in the reason for texting in the first place so you don’t waste time staring at your phone instead of going out on dates
  • How to get a phone number of a girl who is interested in you
  • How to avoid the fatal error that 60% of men make over text so you don’t lose solid prospects
  • How to seed interest before you text or call so she responds with excitement

This guide has everything to bridge the gap from meeting a girl to dating her. Wave goodbye to flakes and phone numbers going cold by getting a copy of this fantastic, comprehensive resource today. Click here for more details. And if you are seeking a more advanced training course, check out Charisma Decoded, created by our veteran instructor Derek Cajun.

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