5 Myths In America That Cry Out For Realtalk

5 Myths In America That Cry Out For Realtalk

The more wisdom a thinking man gleans as he walks through this cosmic joke known as life, he begins to see lies everywhere. Lies and myths designed to make men pliable for other men to exploit. Most men never figure out the mental and literal prison they’ve been placed into as social engineers and PR flacks tirelessly cheer the mantra of “Freedom!” while the average man knows nothing of what it is to move through life of his own volition and decision making.

Just as with fashion, people ridicule the myths of other societies while slavishly following the myths of their own society. It is verboten to call into question common wisdom and worse, negate it with logic and reason. These are thought crimes beyond measure for most.

But we are men who decided to swallow the Red Pill. So, here are 5 of the most insidious myths of modern times.

5. The American Dream is alive and well

5 Myths In America That Cry Out For Realtalk

The humble home, decent wife, and two loving kids are a pipe dream, not The American Dream

Ah, the white picket fence. An attractive, loyal wife. 2.1 children. You know, the traditional American Dream that kept men motivated to produce and build up society. Here’s the official definition of what the dream was in The Golden Age of our nation:

The ideal that everyone should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative.

It hasn’t quite worked out that way. George Carlin put what it has become in modern times more succinctly and accurately:

It’s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.

Want some statistics to back this claim up? These numbers come from the Economic Policy Institute. Before you poo-poo the source, realize the whole left-right paradigm is designed to keep people fighting amongst each other. Neither side is totally correct or wrong. The left, as wrong as it is on so many issues, actually makes some good points on labor issues. Such as:

  • The U.S. middle class had $17,867 less income in 2007 than in 1979, when adjusted for inflation.
  • From 1973 to 2013, hourly compensation of a typical (production/nonsupervisory) worker rose just 9% while productivity increased 74%.
  • Top 1% wages grew 138%, while wages of the bottom 90% grew just 15%.  If the wages of the bottom 90% had grown at the average pace over this period—meaning that wages grew equally across-the-board—then the bottom 90%’s wages would have grown by 32%, more than double the actual growth.
  • Over the entire 34-year period between 1979 and 2013, the hourly wages of middle-wage workers were stagnant, rising just 6%. The wages of middle-wage workers were totally flat or in decline over the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, except for the late 1990s. The wages of low-wage workers fared even worse, falling 5% from 1979 to 2013. In contrast, the hourly wages of high-wage workers rose 41%
  • In 2013, inflation-adjusted hourly wages of young college graduates were lower than they were in the late 1990s, a trend that held for both young male and female college graduates.

Translation, people are working harder than ever, producing more (in stark contrast to the “lazy American worker” trope promulgated by the media) and yet taking home less. This means fewer people can buy homes, cars, and live prosperous lives. Not to mention the destruction of all things feminine brought on by feminism make The American Dream a pipe dream.

4. Women are systematically oppressed

5 Myths In America That Cry Out For Realtalk

American women may be many things, like decadent and solipsistic, but oppressed they are not

One only need catch an episode of The Real Housewives of Whatever City to see the decadent lives of totally wasteful materialism and consumerism modern women lead. Half of these worthless bags of protoplasm don’t just buy plastic merchandise for their homes, they graft it onto their bodies with face, ass, and boob jobs.

That’s just the upper crust of society. Down here on the bottom, one only need walk into a grocery store to see women with fatherless children paying for their haul of free food with an EBT card, free dairy with WIC, on top of collecting child support from daddy who’s now an economic slave with the lash of the child support system bearing down on him.

The reality is American women are the most spoiled, entitled class of people to ever walk this earth. They have more power than men ever will. This duality of American women’s behavior – claiming to be victims while living like queens – dates back to the Puritan foundations of the nation, a topic I recently wrote about.

Here’s more proof women aren’t oppressed. Females make 80% of all purchasing decisions in the economy and they spend 90% more than they earn over the course of a lifetime. That sounds like royalty, not victimhood.

3. The drug war is about public safety

5 Myths In America That Cry Out For Realtalk

The war on a plant is really part of the War on You

Bottom line, the drug war is about eliminating economic competition. Drug dealers run on a cash economy the government has a hard time taxing and are their own bosses. They’re not subjected to the growing, total micromanagement of their lives corporate drones are. In many ways, as Walter White showed us, they’re their own men. The government doesn’t want that. It wants subjects to rule and terrorize. (The Drug War goes hand in hand with the War on Sex.)

The reason there’s violence is not because drug dealers are innately evil. Drugs are readily available all around me, but because law enforcement is lax, there is very little violence where I live part-time on the island of Hispaniola. Violence happens every time a Prohibition is passed. When the Prohibition on alcohol was passed, booze immediately shifted to the black market and we saw everything from Al Capone to Bonnie and Clyde. From the Ganzel Group:

Because of Prohibition, organized crime increased, especially in major cities. Gangsters got richer and more violent as they fought over control of liquor sales and other illegal activities such as prostitution and gambling, which also grew during the 1930s. The public was fascinated by big-city mob bosses who became the subject of newspaper stories and movies. Although they were far from urban speakeasies and gangland crime, rural residents also were fascinated by the underworld activities of mobsters. Gangs and outlaws with names like “Pretty Boy Floyd,” “Baby Face” Nelson, Ma and Fred Barker, and Bonnie and Clyde grabbed newspaper headlines. John Dillinger’s armed robberies took place mostly in the Midwest, and he was named “Public Enemy Number One.”

H.L. Mencken wrote:

Prohibition has not only failed in its promises but actually created additional serious and disturbing social problems throughout society. There is not less drunkenness in the Republic but more. There is not less crime, but more. … The cost of government is not smaller, but vastly greater. Respect for law has not increased, but diminished.

Sound familiar? It’s because that’s exactly what’s playing out today, except with marijuana and cocaine. Has the 40-year War on Drugs yielded any results? A trillion dollars has been spent and rates of drug usage remain constant. There are slight ticks up and down but overall there hasn’t been any change in the number of recreational users and addicts.

What has changed is America has become the biggest prison state on the planet since the Drug War started back in the days of Nixon, with more of a percentage of its populace in prison than any other nation on earth. Most of those in prison are there for drug crimes.

2. New diseases threaten your safety

5 Myths In America That Cry Out For Realtalk

Diseases named after chickens and pigs are supposed to terrify you

Plague terror is what its opponents refer to it as. The fear mongering over “your safety” covers many areas of life, but medical issues are one of the most insidious ways the media and government instill fear in the hearts of men. Here’s an example of some of the things that were supposed to “kill us all” in the last 15 years:

  • 2002, the media said West Nile will kill us all
  • 2004, SARS will kill us all
  • 2005, Bird Flu will kill us all
  • 2009, Swine Flu will kill us all
  • 2014, Ebola will kill us all
  • 2016, Zika will kill us all

We’ll see what they dredge up this year.

Incidentally, HIV/AIDS has been one of the most successful campaigns of plague terror ever foisted on the populace by government overlords. It literally made people scared to have sex, and even when they did a condom was a must. (Was it all just another population reduction measure? In other words, scare the masses so bad everybody starts using condoms so as to reduce pregnancies.)

The bottom line is, you are NOT going to contract HIV from having straight, heterosexual vaginal intercourse. The Centers for Disease Control’s own statistics state there is a 4 in 10,000 chance for a man to contract HIV from having sex with a woman. Don’t believe me? Here’s the link. The average person has sex once a week. Let’s say they fuck from age 18 to age 75 once a week. That’s roughly 3,000 sexual encounters in an entire lifetime. A man would literally have to have sex for 3 lifetimes in order to be guaranteed to contract the disease through heterosexual intercourse. And that’s unprotected sex every single time with an infected person!

Some journalists are questioning if the disease called HIV/AIDS even exists in the capacity we have been led to believe it does. Joan Shenton has been one of the most vocal, and attacked, critics of plague terror of the last two generations. Brent Leung, who produced the film House of Numbers is another.

To this day, it remains confined to risk groups (gays and IV drug users) and has never spread to become the heterosexual epidemic we were scared out of our wits about in the 1980s and 1990s.

5 Myths In America That Cry Out For Realtalk

The least personal freedom I have experienced thus far has been right here at home

1. America is a free country

Of all the places this author has been, without a doubt America offers the least freedom. By far. All the important decisions are already made for a person, and if they step out of line there are police everywhere ready to arrest you for everything from renting a sexual encounter to smoking a joint to driving too fast to not tithing your masters enough money each April 15th.

Obey your masters is drilled into the minds of children from kindergarten. A boy’s decisions are already made for him from age 5 to age 18. Go to school and listen to what we want you to hear, or your parents will go to jail. After 13 years of brainwashing, he then goes on to college to chase the promises he was made only to find he is saddled with an average of $30,000 in debt that isn’t dischargeable even in bankruptcy and is trapped in a job he can’t escape because of “life debt” i.e. needing food to eat, clothes to wear, and a roof over his head.

The entire society is geared towards turning people into what Herbert Hoover called “Happiness Machines” or consummate consumers who work themselves to death from cradle to grave so they can mindlessly consume. Shopping and eating out are the national religions. There’s never time to stop and smell the roses, contemplate life, or take a nice, long break from it all.

More, more, more is the mantra.

In truth, while abject slavery was abolished the new model is economic slavery. Try as a man might, there is almost no escape from this system. Nearly every avenue of escape has been closed off.

5 Myths In America That Cry Out For Realtalk

Revealing words from the patriarch of a prominent political family show us the mythmakers’ mentality

The Mythmakers

All this mythmaking does pose some risk for those making the myth. George H.W. Bush or “Pappy” as he’s known in the Bush circle reportedly made this revealing statement back in 1991:

If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts.

Indeed, if there wasn’t so much propaganda and a totally controlled and compliant corporate media shoveling manure into the eyes and ears of the masses on a daily basis, there might be a threat to the power structure. Perhaps those making the myth learned a lesson from a former foe they vanquished in their game of world domination.

How fortunate for leaders that men do not think… Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.

Words spoken by Hitler that still ring true today.

Read More: Prohibition In America: The Intersection Of Women And Capitalists


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