Always in search of the next way to destroy their nature-given beauty, Western females have begun to dye their hair at alarming rates. This is a growing phenomenon in major coastal cities, where I’ve even begun to see it from the late-20s white collar crowd who should know better. The rebellious office types usually adopt something slightly more toned down, such as bright red or jet black, but for those who have to wear nametags and get paid by the hour, anything goes.
Tuthmosis has touched on dyed hair as a major slut tell and Matt Forney has dropped serious wisdom on short hair, but I’ve seen this particular trend becoming more and more socially acceptable. It has to be stopped.
In short, based on my extensive experience, a girl having hair dyed with a non-traditional color is a leading indicator of instability, mental illness, and an inability to function within a healthy relationship. Here are the five reasons you should steer clear of these damaged individuals:
1. They’re attention whores
Nothing says “Look at me!” more effectively than flowing purple locks. These girls know that they’re cheaply drawing attention to themselves and revel in every drop, whether it’s a compliment from a limp-wristed orbiter or disgust from a man of value who spurns their Troll Doll aesthetic. Would you want to tie your fortunes to a woman who will mutilate herself just so strangers will look at her more often?
2. They’re impulsive
Nobody sits down to their desk, opens up a couple Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, takes a sip of their Americano, and decides to turn their hair neon green.
The girl who makes the split-second decision to destroy her beauty is the same one who will suck multiple cocks in the Cancum foam party, or will give her anal virginity to swarthy European while her loyal boyfriend waits patiently at home; in other words, not the kind of person you want in your life for anything other than a casual (and well-documented) fling.
3. They’re ugly
As much as equalists bleat to the contrary, humans have hard-wired attraction preferences for the physical appearance of their mates. In the same way that we are uncontrollably disgusted with the sight of an obese person, our lizard hindbrains make a split-second judgment against women with dyed hair because unnatural looking hair (whether it’s short, falling out, or unnaturally colored) was a symptom of disease and infirmity in our ancestral habitat.
Everyone knows this on some level, yet many still choose to defile their bodies. Why settle for a girl who willingly makes herself uglier just to court attention or make some tired “statement”? After all, a potential partner’s highest priority should be making herself more pleasing to you — one who eschews this for shock value is best left to her Hitachi Magic Wand.
4. They’re useless
How many investment bankers, entrepreneurs, engineers, and physicians do you know who look like Zoe Quinn in the above photo? Zero.
The fact is, girls with unnaturally dyed hair are overwhelmingly more likely to be leeches on society, with unpaid student loans, credit card debt, and bastard children. They’re also likely to be found slinging lattes at your local hipster coffee dive, posing as starving artists on welfare, or working in some bloated non-profit that syphons government money to contribute pennies on the taxpayer dollar to the “socially meaningful” SJW cause du jour.
Which brings me to the worst trait of all…
5. They’re degenerate leftists
I have never met a girl with dyed hair who falls on the conservative side of the political spectrum. They can usually be found complaining about misogyny or decrying the evil that white heterosexual men have done to society.
Here’s one example. l go to a gym near the nightlife district of a major city. While I see tons of dyed hair freaks walking around the street outside the gym (both male and female), I almost never see people with falsely colored hair actually inside the gym and working hard to improve themselves. It’s almost as if they’re repelled by the thought of making themselves better.
As Roosh presciently wrote, appearance reflects ideology. If you’re dating a girl with dyed hair, get ready to witness some of the laziest, most self-serving, mediocrity-embracing behavior you can imagine. Even worse, enjoy being called a cis-centric homophobic dudebro shitlord when you express any opinion that deviates from those handed down by her corporate or ideological Cultural Marxist overlords.
I didn’t even mention how girls with dyed hair are significantly more likely to have borderline personality disorder or become irresponsible mothers, since I believe the point is clear: women with dyed hair represent the dregs of the dating market.
If you are a high-value man, you will do your part to leave them rotting in the dustbin of the sexual marketplace.
Read More: 26 More Signs She’s A Slut
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