For guys having issues in their home countries—or even those just seeking new adventures—there’s perhaps no better remedy than a trip to Thailand. Unfortunately, many newbies get sucked into the pay-for-play trap or get stuck in the lackluster, mainstream tourist areas such as Khao San Road or Phuket.
As a half-Thai “Luk Khrueng” and dual citizen who has lived and worked in Bangkok, I can confidently say that Thailand is one of the best countries to enjoy females of all varieties. What I’m going to share here are some of the best venues in Thailand that you should plan your first—or next—trip around to avoid the tourist traps and maximize your gaming outcomes.
1. Royal Crown Avenue (RCA): Bangkok
While many of the tourists and backpackers are crowding Khao San Road in Bangkok for the cheap booze buckets, many of the local Thais and expats will be partying on weekends in the club and bar district known as Royal Crown Avenue (RCA). A short cab ride away from the main downtown area of Sukhumvit, the RCA district has many bars and clubs where you can find a high volume of mostly local Thai girls dressed up and out for a fun night.
Your best bet is to hit the indoor/outdoor hip-hop club called Route 66. The good thing about RCA is that most of the local Thai girls that frequent this venue are from the middle class and higher, so English will not be as much of a barrier.

The outdoor area at Route 66 is a great place to approach.
2. ARK Bar: Koh Samui
For one reason or another, Koh Samui tends to get overlooked when people plan their Thai island-hopping experience. Many focus on the Full Moon party at Koh Phagnan (which has become much more commercialized in recent years) or on the eastern coast with Koh Phi Phi.
However, Samui has yet to fail me in terms of being one of the best venues to game in all of Thailand. Many of the clubs and bars are along the beach, have a more “nightclub” feel conducive to game, and hands down the best is ARK Bar. Open seven days a week, you can hang out at the bar, dance along the pool or beach, and enjoy the high volume of both Thai and foreign girls. ARK Bar is simply a can’t miss.

Nightclub-style game on the beach at ARK Bar Samui.
3. Songkran Festival: Old City Chiang Mai
The Thai New Year in April—otherwise known as Songkran—is the biggest holiday in all of Thailand. The entire country takes a week off to drink, party, and engage in the famous “water fights” with Super Soakers. Songkran can be enjoyed anywhere in Thailand, but if you’re looking for the best place to both party and game with a high number of both Thai and foreign girls, then the city of Chiang Mai is your choice hands down.
Chiang Mai is a Thai college city by nature, and its Old Town hosts one of the most packed Songkran parties in Thailand. There are simply dozens of options, from staying in a hostel and partying all day with foreign girls you might meet to going to one of the many packed nightclubs and bars.
Just the fact that you can “approach” a girl by dousing her with a bucket of water and striking up a conversation makes Chiang Mai Songkran one of the top gaming options—both day and night—for foreign guys new to Thailand.
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Both day and night game are options during Songkran in Chiang Mai.
4. Amsterdam Bar: Koh Phagnan
Many Thailand novices mistakenly assume that the best place to score on the beautiful island of Koh Phagnan is during one of the famous Full Moon parties on Had Rin beach. Even the Half Moon parties in the jungle have been gaining popularity and fame. And while it is possible to meet girls at these parties, they are often packed with many male tourists, and girls will tend to give off the “snobby backpacker” vibe.
Instead, try a better day game option in the form of Amsterdam Bar, which has one of the most beautiful sunset views on Koh Phagnan. Amsterdam Bar is situated atop a mountainside, so you’ll have to hike up a wooden staircase. At the top is an open-air area with a bar, tables, sofas, and the option to purchase joints as well. Just go to the bartender and use the word “smoke.”
The result is a lot of people hanging out, conversing, drinking, smoking, and enjoying the sunset. Girls at Amsterdam Bar tend to be more foreign, but you will find the occasional group of Thai girls. In general, girls there are in a good mood enjoying the good vibes, so it’s an easy place to approach, and even if they’re not interested, they might still chat about where you’re from, their trip in Thailand, and maybe even where they’re hanging out at night.
Use Amsterdam Bar to get a magnificent view of the sunset, employ some day game, and potentially set up an evening cocktail rendezvous at a beach bar or two near your bungalow to seal the deal.

Try some foreigner day game for a change of pace at Amsterdam Bar.
5. Ratchada Train Night Market: Bangkok
Hands down one of the best methods and venues of approaching local Thai girls will be at any type of open air market. In fact, I know several guys how have met their wives and girlfriends by simply approaching them at a market and expressing basic interest with minimal Thai language skills.
When it comes to markets, you can either day game at an open-air market, where girls will be there primarily for shopping and hanging out with friends, or hit one of the night markets, which will have a more festive atmosphere with open-air food stalls, restaurants, bars, and even small clubs.
One of the best markets going for game these days in Bangkok is the Ratchada Train Night Market, which is right off the Thailand Cultural Center subway station. The Train Night Market is geared towards youth, with many scantily clad young Thai girls out eating and drinking alcohol. You can employ some day game tactics at night, approaching girls who are sampling food stalls, or pop into one of the many makeshift bars and clubs packed with younger local Thais.

Markets are best for those looking to game with the locals.
So if you’re planning your first trip to Thailand—or looking for something different on your next one—try some of these off-the-beaten-path venues for a unique experience, greater exposure to local Thai girls, and overall greater odds of gaming success.
Read More: 4 Situations You’ll See On “Walking Street” In Pattaya, Thailand
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