6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Date Teachers

6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Date Teachers

There was a time when being a teacher was considered an ideal profession for a woman who wanted to marry and have children. Teachers got the summers off so that a woman who was a teacher could still take care of her children when they were out of school.

Teaching was also an alternative to the cutthroat corporate world where a woman could have a meaningful job but still remain feminine. The archetype of the wholesome young teacher dominated the American consciousness for decades.

6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Date Teachers

Dating a girl who was a teacher used to be a good bet for a man. Her job didn’t require long hours in the office and teachers didn’t have to go on business travel, which always opens the door for cheating. But thanks to a combination of government interference and changes in the wider culture, this one-time bastion for traditionally-minded women has fallen.

1. Widespread Sluttiness

6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Date Teachers

Sodom and Gomorrah

Modern education is one big Sodom and Gomorrah. I used to date a teacher so I got to attend lots of parties with her coworkers. What surprised me was the number of teachers who had been married two or three times.

The stories were all very similar. A female teacher gets married, but then cheats on her husband with a male teacher. She ends up marrying the man she cheated with, only to later cheat on him with yet another teacher.

I think the reason for the widespread cheating is that there are a lot fewer men in education than there are women, especially in the lower grades. In education, even a low-ranking beta male can be considered the “alpha” simply because he has no rivals.

Women are naturally competitive with each other, and because a male teacher is such a rare commodity, female teachers who would not otherwise be attracted to him find themselves competing for his affections.

2. Teachers Are Unhappy

6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Date Teachers

In 2001, President Bush signed the bipartisan initiative called the No Child Left Behind Act. The goal of the act was to close the academic achievement gap between majority white students and minority black and Hispanic students. The Act required states to test students at various grade levels in order to receive federal funding.

In theory, No Child Left Behind is a great idea, but in a country filled with social justice warriors, it just doesn’t work. The problem is that the act requires that all children be proficient at reading and math for their grade level. But this is saying, in effect, that all children must be above average—an unattainable goal.

Soon after it was implemented, it became clear that No Child Left Behind was not closing the achievement gap. In response, schools applied pressure on teachers to focus their efforts on raising the scores of minority students. The pressure has become so great that some educators have even been convicted of conspiracy of cheating to boost students’ test scores.

No Child Left Behind changed the way that teachers teach. Teaching has become a lot less fun because teachers have less flexibility in their curriculum. They have to teach to the test so that low-achieving students will score well, but this has the effect of slowing down average students who are capable of learning more than what is on the test.

It also dramatically increased the amount of “cover your ass” paperwork that teachers have to do. Now, instead of being an 8-hour a day job, teaching has become a long hours gig just like any corporate job, but without the monetary rewards.

By focusing on social justice instead of education, meddling politicians have changed teaching from a relaxed, happy profession to a miserable one. This has lead to teachers becoming cynical and unhappy—exactly the type of person you want to avoid when you are considering a long-term relationship.

3. Teachers Are Heavy Drinkers

6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Date Teachers

Maybe it is because their jobs have become more stressful, but a lot of teachers are big drinkers. They really love going to happy hour where they can drink to relax while they complain about their jobs or hook up with that “alpha” male teacher. Or they just go home and finish off a bottle of wine every night.

Recently, it has become more common for educators to not even wait until the school day is over before they start hitting the bottle. Last year, an Oklahoma high school teacher was found pantless, shoeless, and allegedly drunk in an empty classroom on the first day of school.

In March of this year, an Iowa teacher was arrested for being drunk while teaching her sixth grade class. The arrest happened the same day that a police officer was visiting the school to teach students to avoid drugs and alcohol as part of the DARE program.

These are not isolated incidents. If you follow your local newspaper, you’ll see that drunk teachers are a pretty regular occurrence. I am not against drinking, but some of these women are functional alcoholics that you should stay away from.

4. Teachers Are Progressives

 6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Date Teachers

Public schools are completely under the sway of progressive philosophy. All teachers are compelled to regularly attend “equity training sessions.” These are seminars where educators are forced to discuss the benefits of diversity and the ever-present dangers of racism.

Teachers are berated for “believing they are color blind,” and they are encouraged to see the richness of other cultures in contrast to our own.

As a result of this indoctrination, teachers really start to believe that Western culture is nothing in comparison to third world cultures. At one of the parties I attended, I had the following conversation with a veteran teacher about a recent “International Day” that the school had hosted:

Teacher: I saw all these parents from India and Africa, and they have such a rich culture. I feel bad that I don’t have anything to pass on to my kids.

Me: You’re an American. Don’t we have a culture?

Teacher: Not really. I guess we have Thanksgiving.

Me: What part of Europe did your family come from?

Teacher: Germany.

Me: Don’t Germans have a culture?

Teacher: They do. But it’s not the same.

It was pretty much the same with my girlfriend. She could see that the social engineering wasn’t working, but she defended it anyway.

5. Terrible Fashion

6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Date Teachers

Classy and professional. And that is why most teachers do not dress this way.

Teachers are not fashion models, so nobody expects them to come to work in the latest Oscar de la Renta suit, but we would expect them to at least dress in a professional manner.

For example, in this photo from 1960, we see the female faculty members are wearing dignified dresses or skirts. The male teachers are in suit and tie.

6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Date Teachers

Compare this to how modern day teachers dress to go to work. Unfortunately, most teachers continue to wear this kind of bland, frumpy style even when they leave work, making them some of the dowdiest people you will ever run across.

6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Date Teachers

Nothing says “respect me” like these sandals

6. Emotional Issues

6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Date Teachers

Because it is difficult to fire a teacher, they get away with outrageous behavior that would not fly in any other professional environment. Female teachers engage in childish fighting within grade levels—hiding lesson plans and sabotaging equipment at taxpayer expense.

They regularly have breakdowns at work for trifling reasons. One teacher at my former girlfriend’s school spent the better part of a school year crying because her husband was divorcing her after she had cheated on him.

Recently, a darker trend is starting to emerge: female teachers are raping their underage male students.

When I first started researching this article, I thought there were only a handful of examples of female teachers preying on boys. I was wrong. This is a genuine, disturbing cultural phenomenon. I am only providing three examples here. I could find dozens more.

6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Date Teachers

Accused of having sex with six boys between the ages of 14 and 15.


6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Date Teachers

These two teachers were accused of having a threesome with a 16 year old boy.

6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Date Teachers

Gym teacher charged with 30 counts of statutory rape.

I think the blame for this epidemic can be placed on our culture of perpetual adolescence. These women obviously suffer from a stunted emotional development that leaves them thinking that they are forever in high school, or in the case of some of them, middle school.

This can’t bode well for our civilization.


Of course, not all teachers are slutty, progressive, emotionally stunted, frumpy drunks. But enough of them are that you should be careful if you choose to date one.

Read More: 7 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Date A Model 


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