The Tinder App has played a large role in reinforcing the confidence of the girls characterized as “Haves” in Los Angeles. This has created a positive feedback loop, elevating their perceived value and separating them even further from the rest of the pack.
The art of taking pictures of oneself or girlfriends has been elevated to a new level. Rather than being employed solely for dating, Tinder is now used as a tool of marketing and self-promotion. Whereas girls used to simply post the best photos that they had on hand, many current Tinder photos are brazenly engineered to raise the desirability factor and elicit as many responses as possible. This is done all in order to feed their egos.
Here are the typical types of photos I have seen so far:
1. The Glamour Headshot
Usually the first photo shown is a professional headshot of ultra-high quality, featuring a dazzling smile, a sultry look, or some type of pose designed to bring out a man’s animal spirits, guaranteeing an immediate swipe to the right.
2. The Peak-A-Boo Shot
The second photo typically escalates to show a little bit more skin, somewhat of a tease.
The “Unbuttoned Blouse” shot shows a silk or chiffon blouse unbuttoned such that the graceful curve of her bosom is gently outlined by the scalloped lace of an expensive demi bra. Girls are even defining terms for these shots, such as “One Side Open,” whereby a man can get clear view of her elegant brassiere cup through the unbuttoned shirt or via a sleeveless opening.
A variation of this is the “Sheer” shot, where the material in her dress or blouse is thin enough to plainly see her nipples.
3. The Boob Shot
Women who really want to attract attention post a bolder picture showcasing either ample or perfectly shaped breasts.
Sometimes you even see pictures showing her leaning over to display her cleavage. These girls do not want to waste any time leaving the men guessing about the status of their sweater meat:
4. The Bedroom Shot
Next come the shots of the women cavorting in bed. These shots typically feature heels kicked up, an inviting smile, bra strap askew, or some other display of seduction.
5. The Girls Night Out Shot
Tinder girls are also found partying with their girlfriends, getting drunk on champagne, flaunting their little mini-skirts, and look within a hairsbreadth of jumping into some group sex. Suggesting they have lost their inhibitions is just what’s needed to lure men into swiping right.
6. The Bikini Shot
Then there is the fabled bikini shot, showing off elegant slenderness, flat stomachs, and breasts that can only be described in a word: extraordinary.
And the younger girls love to pose in pairs, each comparing how skinny she is in comparison to her girlfriend, usually at a well-known public location.
With all this intensifying competition, the girls at the top rung will be even more inclined to starve themselves on cold pressed juice diets, take even more yoga, barre, and pilates classes, spend even more on the finest lingerie, and shop for shirts, tops, blouses, and bikinis designed for maximum effect. More Botox treatments. More visits to the Laser Spa. More visits to the “How To” amateur boudoir photography sites.
What’s next?
My prediction is that Tinder will eventually morph into a photo slideshow designed to attract the attention of the most eligible males. In L.A. these are men with high connections in the entertainment or modeling industry, which will help the best looking girls up their fame game even further. The increasing level of competition between women will push out the “Have Nots” to Swoon or other venues of lesser quality, which in turn raises the bar for everyone else. Here’s what to expect next year:
Boudoir Shots
Like this one, not revealing too much, but just enough to get the guys salivating for more.
Amateur Lingerie Modeling Shots
The “Amateur” label is important, because nothing is hotter than a “Have” girl sensual enough to take pictures of herself in front of a mirror.
The Gap Grows Wider
So far, the newer girls I’ve seen on Tinder seem to be better and better looking. No need to install a “Fattie Filter” on that app quite yet. Many of them are putting in a catchy phrase or quote in the “About You” text box, along with an Instagram address so that approved males will be invited to look for more photos.
Just imagine knowing that you are in demand by hundreds of eligible men. Knowing that you will never be alone. That you are the envy of all the “Have Nots” who are stuck with bad genes or lack motivation and discipline to improve themselves. These women will be using Tinder in order to parlay their way up the food chain, to more successful alpha types, richer, better looking, and more accomplished men.
For the “Haves”, there is no longer a need to flirt around or issue promises of sexual encounters in order to get the right man in their grasp. The self-promotion tools like Tinder, Facebook, and Instagram do that for them. Meanwhile, anyone else who does not have the requisite good appearance to compete on these sites and attract attention are falling further and further behind. These unfortunate souls are left to deal with the horrors of matchmaking, online dating, and hookup apps like Blendr or Skout. These are rapidly becoming the favorite venues for “Foodies,” low-level women who sit at desk jobs all day snacking away, or customers of all the various “Plus Size” clothing stores. Good riddance.
Read Next: The Women Who Have And Women Who Have Not
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