7 Examples Of The “Pussy Pass” In Action

7 Examples Of The “Pussy Pass” In Action

Following up last week’s article where four innocent men were coerced into giving false confessions and then imprisoned for over a decade for a crime the prosecutor knew they didn’t commit, this week we are going to look at the other side of the law. Specifically, the pussy pass, and what happens when it is effectively used. Here are a few cases of this powerful “get out of jail free” card:

1. Killed A Man

7 Examples Of The “Pussy Pass” In Action

Sharon Howell, 44, of Boise, Idaho, ran into a cyclist while driving drunk, killing him. Kurt Krieger, 46, of Boise was struck by Ms. Howell and died instantly. If you remember the Navy case from last week, the police had their first innocent man in jail less than 24 hours after the murder occurred. In this case, Howell, who was the known perpetrator, was not arrested until eight months later. Howell was charged with felony vehicular manslaughter, and sentenced to 4 years of probation and a suspended drivers license for killing a man.

2. Committed Arson

7 Examples Of The “Pussy Pass” In Action

2/10 WNB

South Carolina woman Talina Bratcher, 29, committed arson and destroyed a lakehouse owned by her parents where she was living with her three children. She reportedly set the fire, and handed her two-year-old toddler to a neighbor so she could watch the fire burn. She was arrested and charged with 3rd degree arson. Comments from her parents included, “Everybody is fearful. I worry in years to come of what she might do. She picks up rocks and cleans them. She needs to get adequate help for drugs and her mental health.”

Talina was sentenced to 5 years probation. No mention was made of her suitability to retain custody of the children.

Men went to a lot of work to create a vibrant mental health community, analyzing, studying, and creating the DSM for diagnosing and treating diseases, building special facilities with well-trained staff to house and treat mentally ill patients, and protecting the rest of the society from dangerous individuals. The facilities are often quite nice, with Victorian style architecture, large rooms, pleasant views, drugs to wipe the unpleasantness from the mind, and adequate staff to provide one on one care.

The efforts of these men from our grandparent’s generation are now fully wasted. These mental health facilities are being torn down and clear cut candidates such as Bratcher are set free instead of sentenced to an institution.

7 Examples Of The “Pussy Pass” In Action

If Talina Bratcher isn’t a candidate for a mental health ward, who is?

3. Killed A Man And Fled The Scene

27-year-old Maria Martinez was driving in Lubbock, Texas when she looked into her purse for her cellphone and felt an impact. She had hit jogger Matthew Valadez, disfiguring his body so badly the family had to have a closed casket funeral. Matthew’s sister describes his body as “shattered glass that was pieced together”, his face swollen to twice its size, a bulge protruding from the right side of his neck where it broke when he was struck by Maria’s vehicle. After hitting Matthew, Maria fled the scene.

Facing between 2 and 20 years in prison, Maria gave the defense that “her mental illness distorted her perception of reality and convinced her she did not hit Valadez and hit a telephone pole instead.” It is hard to find humor here, but I did laugh at the social worker’s description of Maria as “being child-like but possessing average intelligence.” How many women does that describe? Maria was sentenced to 10 years probation, no mention of a suspended driving license.

7 Examples Of The “Pussy Pass” In Action

Oops, had to tweet something, my bad.

4. Drugged Multiple Victims And Six-Figure Theft

New York strippers Karina Pascucci and Marsi Rosen hung around fancy hotels looking for rich businessmen, flirted with them, drugged their drinks, stole their wallets and charged hundreds of thousands of dollars. Unlike the other ladies discussed here, these girls did receive some jail time—four months of weekends in jail and 5 years probation-–likely because they stole from some well connected powerful men. But still a very light sentence considering the crime.

7 Examples Of The “Pussy Pass” In Action

WB, sober, with wallet and keys safely hidden

5. Sexually Assaulted Two Young Boys For Four Years

7 Examples Of The “Pussy Pass” In Action

25-year-old Shawna Nerby of Lower Lake, California, sexually assaulted two boys repeatedly when they were ages 6 and 8, for approximately 4 years. She was charged with first degree sodomy and first degree rape, but plead guilty to lesser charges and was sentenced to 5 years probation.  She has a child of her own that was taken into custody, but she may be allowed to parent the child if she follows the restrictions placed on her.

6. Severed Construction Worker’s Legs, Fled Scene

7 Examples Of The “Pussy Pass” In Action

My pussy pass is taken for 2 years 🙁

26-year-old Amanda Brown, a rich Alabama woman, and heiress to her grandfather’s fortune, was driving her SUV after midnight on a Saturday night, when she flew past lit barricades and cones, plowed through a traffic circle, and pinned the legs of construction worker Bobby Joe Smith, screaming, between her bumper and the sharp edge of a bulldozer.  Smith’s legs were immediately severed, and his co-workers used duct tape to keep him from bleeding out before he was taken to the hospital, where his legs were amputated and part of his colon removed.

Brown, meanwhile, attempted to flee the scene, then abandoned her car and stumbled home to her apartment a few blocks away. When police arrived, she admitted “I was drunk when I did it.” She reportedly mouthed off at police on her trip to the station, referring to her family’s wealth and prominence.

Bobby Joe Smith is no longer able to walk, or work again, in any meaningful way. He was toiling away late at night replacing a natural gas line so rich girls like Amanda Brown could have hot water to take 30 minute showers with, and working at night so she wouldn’t be inconvenienced with the traffic delays it would cause during the day. So how was Brown punished? Two years of unsupervised probation. Which basically means, you are free, just don’t do it again for two years or you may be punished.

7. Maimed Male College Freshman, Fled

7 Examples Of The “Pussy Pass” In Action

Part Time Waitress Ashley Coleman

Ashley Coleman, 24, was driving with a .22 blood alcohol content when she struck USC Freshman Mac Dunbar, standing in the road median, shattering his body and causing permanent brain injury.  Over the five years since the accident, Mac has undergone 18 surgeries, after breaking practically every bone in both legs, shoulder and arm. He has “massive hardware” including screws, pins, and plates in both legs, and his arm and shoulder.  After years of therapy and training, he has been able to re-learn how to speak and walk.

Mac was a varsity athlete in basketball, soccer, and tennis, a student leader, and pillar of his community. He almost died at the scene due to the severity of his injuries, and was only saved because there was an ambulance at the intersection on a food break. Mac was in a deep coma for two months before his family or doctors knew if he would recover. He was transferred to an intensive brain unit in Atlanta, Georgia for five months.

As director of the S.C. Crime Victims Council stated, “There are some things that are worse than death–having a lifetime of not being the same person that you were.” Witnesses report after hitting Mac, the woman “hit the gas and kept going.” She was only discovered because a taxi driver tailed her and called police. Her sentence? Five years probation with one year home detention.

It’s Only A Crime If A Man Does It

7 Examples Of The “Pussy Pass” In Action

Of course, the current rape hysteria on college campuses is centered around the ridiculous idea that intoxicated sex is rape (but only the man can be punished). Every time a couple leaves a bar together and goes home to have sex, a rape is happening minutes later. Under this redefinition of “rape” the 1-in-5 stat is probably true.

No, Really, Women Cannot Commit Crimes

7 Examples Of The “Pussy Pass” In Action

Lest the reader think that these are just uncoordinated mistakes made by our flawed legal system, I will direct your attention to an article published over a year ago in The Washington Post by a Social Work professor at UIC titled “We Should Stop Putting Women In Jail For Anything.” This is not a ROK headline on April Fool’s Day. This is an actual movement to stop punishing women no matter what.

I really can’t consider any of her arguments seriously, but be aware that there is a movement to stop punishing women whatsoever for their actions. As we can see in the cases above, this is already happening.

Read More: Women Get A Pussy Pass Even For Killing Children


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