7 Reasons To Date A Muslim Girl

7 Reasons To Date A Muslim Girl

A while ago I wrote an article entitled 8 Thing To Expect When Dating A Muslim Girl. The article received a considerable number of comments which can mostly be summed up as, “Why would anyone want to do that?” This article is meant partly a response to those comments.

All points are generalizations only, based on the personal experiences of the author, who is not a Muslim. As with any other religious group there is a high level of variation between individuals within that group. These points should only be seen as tendencies, not as certainties.

1. Slut behavior is rare

7 Reasons To Date A Muslim Girl

It’s OK, you can choose the pretty one

Either through choice or from compulsion Muslim girls mostly don’t suffer from the slut disease. Two excellent articles are 24 Signs She’s A Slut and 26 More Signs She’s A Slut. A quick look through both lists will show that most of the points do not apply to most Muslim girls.

2. The alternative is Western girls

7 Reasons To Date A Muslim Girl

Face covered, character exposed

The quality of girls on offer in Western countries has been dropping badly in recent decades. The future is always hard to predict, but all signs suggest this trend is going to continue. Read The Decimation Of Western Women Is Complete for the horrific truth. Sure there are still exceptions, it’s just that the probability of ending up with one is much lower than it was.

3. Polygamy is awesome

7 Reasons To Date A Muslim Girl

Interns are just so 1996

Men who can honestly say they like monogamy are in the same position as men who can honestly say they like their day jobs. What they mean is that after considering the full situation, they have concluded that going for more would ultimately lead to getting less. They might be right. Muslim girls offer a realistic chance of pulling off polygamy over the long term.

4. Stable family life and children are desired outcomes

7 Reasons To Date A Muslim Girl

A common theme in the manosphere is that family life is now just too difficult and dangerous for a man to manage successfully. Western girls of sufficient quality often don’t want to enter a permanent relationship while they are young and fresh enough to be worth taking on.

Meanwhile, there is a substantial risk of either refusal to have children, neverending demands to delay having children, or of her simply wandering off because of a lack of real commitment. It’s not clear how often this is a genuinely held view and how often it is just a convenient rationalization for men to endlessly sample the delights that are out there, but it is certainly stated.

While no family is immune to the risk of being split up, Muslim girls are considerably less likely to take that path. As a rule they genuinely desire family and children and will make a serious effort to build and maintain the family unit.

5. Male leadership is welcomed

7 Reasons To Date A Muslim Girl

Male leadership is expected, respected, and even demanded by Muslim girls. Enough said.

6. It’s a great way to roll back Islam

7 Reasons To Date A Muslim Girl

Now consider a more pleasurable way

Islam presents a direct threat to a free, open, prosperous, and advancing human civilization with justice and equal rights for all. A good summary of the issues is Islamophobia Is Perfectly Natural.

Of people who actually admit that there is a problem many demand that someone else, usually the government, take some kind of action to meet that threat. That is not going to happen.

Meanwhile romantic, sexual, and reproductive activity with Muslim girls, while making it clear that Islam has no place in the picture, is effective, realistic, and violates no worthwhile moral principles. Every man should do his bit to make the world a better place. Why not do it in a way which offers to personal pleasure too?

7. Sex is not withheld without valid reason

Withholding or losing interest in sex is a modern epidemic among Western girls as they get older and especially in marriage. Many men, particularly older married men, report being reduced to occasional sex doled out “Like meaty bites to a dog.” Muslim girls do not typically suffer from this problem. They happily have sex any time a man would like, with pleasure.

So take the road less traveled

More generally there is a perception that dating a Muslim girl is a one way trip to a starring role in some kind of unpleasant snuff movie. This kind of thing has certainly happened, but it is a bit like plane crashes and shark attacks: they are very rare events, at least for men from Western countries, and nothing to keep a rational man awake at night.

Meanwhile, back in the real world Muslim girls are a great for the kinds of social intercourse men crave. This is especially true for men who want a more lasting or permanent relationship.

Read More: 8 Things To Expect When Dating A Muslim Girl


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