If you are into futurology, you must have already noticed the existence of not one but two futurologies out there. One of them is the mainstream one. It is a mixture of libertarianism and technophilia, loaded with self-claimed futurists babbling on emergence, “holacracy” and other fancy words. Some of them may be a bit wary of fusing humans with technology, but almost every adherent thinks of globalism, identities erasure, and degeneracy as inevitable. Official futurology is mostly a reflection of the mainstream. “Futurists” do their best to either accommodate or ignore inconvenient parts of reality.
The other futurology belongs to the dissenters. It is more pessimistic and, frankly, more realistic. It foresees violent persecutions, financial crisis, engineered poverty, a slippery slope of degeneracy, and the collapse of the cities. Those into dissenting futurology tend to secede from the System, either inwardly or by actively preparing for what will happen. Of course, dissenters’ futurology is way more interesting, as it is devoid of the reality denial and hypocrisy of the first kind. I know at least several self-appointed futurologists who overtly blame us while preparing themselves a nice hideaway on the countryside.
The Deep State could starve millions of people if it decided to cut supply routes. It has already launched or at the very least coveted mass violence outbreaks from SJW, BLM, and other illegals. As time passes, it becomes clear how unbalanced the present situation is. Things will get worse. It doesn’t matter how exactly they will turn so. What matters is that you get prepared.
1. Decay

Abandoned places may be sexy but social decay is not
The left stuffed our heads with a mythology of providential overnight transformations. These dreams come straight from Marxism: when your life is mediocre and you are waiting for everyone else to be in tune with your particular desire, you start hoping for a grand soir that will change the life conditions of everyone around.
Consider decay the opposite of this. No, things won’t change overnight. Trends prevail over mere Black Swans. Consider how Trump failed to drain the swamp—and how he succeeded to the extent he rode various trends, from honest Americans being massively screwed to the smug liberals’ prejudices. Decay is long, painful, lacking in truly time-changing events but rich in small alterations. Decay is ominous, frustrating, especially when so many Westerners want to go by pretending it doesn’t exist. It is everywhere, from frankenfoods to low wages, from part-time economy to grrls, from muh feels to Miley Cyrus.
At a civilization scale, there is not much you can do. If normies believe they will magically escape reality by putting their heads in the sand, well, don’t spend too much energy trying to open their eyes. Some will secede, and some will follow the stream of decay all the way until it becomes too late. As the Romans said, omnes vulnerant, ultima necat (all wound, the last kills). Get out of the place or use it to thrive. Social decay will go on and there’s nothing you can do. Move on.
2. Collapse

Saint John Cathedral, New York
An unhinged, worsening society cannot last forever. Unless someone takes over and cleanses it, the decayed society collapses. We had a taste of it in 2008. Shocked by the magnitude of the crisis, many foresaw another financial crisis that would induce a collapse. Perhaps the pension funds will go bust. Or perhaps the student loan bubble. Others believe some Rainbow Alliance violence and honest people defending themselves could be the trigger.
No matter the key events, the collapse is very likely to happen. Liberals still manage to get themselves competent, masculine protection, but how much longer can they manage their own chaos? The wealthiest know this. For years they have been busy building bunkers in New Zealand. Their degenerate bourgeois bohemian servants may die in their barren, scum-overrun “glamour” neighbourhoods, but they won’t. When the collapse happens Peter Thiel and pals are going to watch it broadcasted, sipping champagne, whereas the bobos will end up Bataclan-style. With all the resentment and violence around, the collapse will be violent: thuggish leeches will plunder shops, SJWs will be on the prowl for cishets to kill, and so on.
At this time, you’ll be much safer in the countryside. Beforehand I would daydream about potential collapse scenarios. Now I’m planning to go green.
3. Tribes

Their attire may be weird and stilted but they know what group solidarity is
Individuals are weak. You may be skilled enough to get ranked among the top, motivated enough to work like crazy, but you still need people to trade with—possibly to band with when you need protection. If you are isolated, you remain at the mercy of groups around. Individual rights are a convenient illusion. When everyone plays the game, it’s fine, but when the emperor has no clothes you can start counting. And the naked emperor won’t defend you.
The only way to thrive is but to join or create a tribe. Inside a tribe, you can trust your fellows. Inside a tribe, you can give your best, and know you won’t be cheated—or the cheater will be duly punished. From small networks to whole diasporas and gated communities, tribes allow human potential to flourish while protecting their members.
Many people are trying to join at least one network today. Among French dissenters I have seen a lot of networking efforts since the ridiculous failure of Marine Le Pen. Those who still hoped to be someone saved by the Front National understood that its managers only thought of their own interest and would never save anyone beyond themselves. We are on our own, no one cares, those who pay attention mostly hate us. To ride the tiger, we’d better have reliable, trustworthy, competent men we can work with—and perhaps reliable women we can marry.
4. Alternative means of exchange
2017 was the year of crackdowns. Many dissenters had their Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube accounts deleted or banned. PayPal removed ROK’s account. In the aftermath of Charlottesville events, a giant wave of closures struck various alternative websites and personalities, including some like Lauren Southern which had nothing to do with the rally. On the other hand, investing in BitCoin allowed many clever investors to cash out thanks to the growing interest in cryptocurrencies.
I still use Facebook as my chief mean for keeping in touch and sharing news with my pals. I still use Gmail whose storage space and layout are very convenient. But I know, too, that the Empire can spy on me anytime. Just as it can do with anyone dependent on its services.
Gab.ai, Minds.com, Vid.me, BitChute, or Privnote all embody the same trend: non-leftists must develop their own spaces to maintain their ability to communicate. First Amendment requires stepping out of the Left-owned services.
5. General proficiency and versatility
Excessive specialization makes you frail. It is okay to be an autistic cog in the machine when the machine works well. When it falls apart, not so.
My hypothesis is, after the events of 9-11, skeptics realized they needed knowledge of various interrelated fields from metallurgy to shady deals to make sense of what had happened. The world is complex, dynamic, interrelated. Remaining inside a closeted field is the better mean to remain hopelessly naïve about the rest—and even to misunderstand one’s own field place among the whole.
What corporate BSers call “360 degrees strategy” and Nassim Taleb a “barbell education” is a remedy to this state: getting out of the machine and rediscovering the world, one topic at a time. Over time, one starts drawing comparisons, noticing patterns, connecting the dots. Reading books from various sciences, indulging in various activities from cooking and training to DIY electronics and growing vegetables, is a good way to get a wholesome idea of the world we live into and become at last a jack-of-several-trade.
6. Survivalism
As Lothrop Stoddard said, “the country can live without the town.” When cities become overpriced cesspools of degeneracy, when we know how much the system was designed to keep us poor through debt and inflation, the rational choice consists in leaving the city. At the beginning of the 2000s, buying a flat at the center of a “glamour” city was a good choice. The value of the apartment would go up, you could rent it or use it as a well-positioned lair. Female hypergamy? No problem!
Now the glamour is still there, but times have changed. Let the supermarket empty or the bank close your account and you’ll start starving, or worse, no matter the glamour of the place.
As the land has become cheaper, in contrast with the overpriced downtown, more and more people are on the look for fertile soil. Buy or build a home, or at least a piece of land where you can grow your own food. I would not be surprised to see the long-forgotten countryside gain in value as more and more flee the concrete-and-thugs hell.
Needless to say, proficiency and know-how become extremely important, as you may have to learn how to repair a motor, make your own seedlings, craft a small windmill to load your batteries and so on. Ultimately, when the collapse happens, you’re out, heading towards survival.
7. Local units
This video shows a way to get Internet without a service provider reaching your place, only through a data-plan and an iPhone. Let’s say you managed to get your own nice piece of land and turned it into a small farm. What if the Internet collapses along with the financial system? What about your neighbours and stuff you can’t order online? Or if urban thugs reach your place to steal from you?
The answer to all these questions is the same. A diaspora may be the coolest thing, yet it is never as resilient as when its members have organized on the ground. If your neighbours are trustworthy and decent, not only can you safely trade with them, but you know you will be able to band together the day (((they))) come—I’m using the triple parentheses in a broad sense. Networks, friendships, should head towards small geographic units. These will ensure the survival and thriving of their members.
Before the collapse, they could be the basis for small-scale businesses.
Futurology is at best an imprecise science. Most forecasts end up being false, especially when they are palatable to the mainstream and either ignore reality or take pleasure in false disaster-mongering. On the other hand, a honest assessment of the situation and trends allows for making a number of broad predictions. We need hypothesis to set up projects. More than that, we need to know where we stand so that when the rug is pulled we can still land on our feet, or better yet, stand near the rug rather than on top.
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