Men here know there are countless reasons dating a single mother is a terrible idea. Any man who unwittingly wanders into the clutches of one of these harpies is doomed from the start. Once she has her talons in him he’s stuck raising another man’s offspring and before he knows it, she’s off looking for an alpha fux (her ex in a lot of cases) to compliment her beta bux. A no win situation for the poor sap.
But every once in a blue moon we run into a baby mama that not only passes the boner test, she has the art of mimicking a quality woman down pat. She’s feminine, takes care of her body, and seems to know her way around a kitchen. Now before you guys start frothing at the mouth let me be clear: I will never advocate commiting to, dating, or God forbid, marrying these women. But if you absolutely must tangle with these tarts or are just starting out in game and looking for quick and easy lays to get your feet wet, here are 8 rules to follow to get what you want out of them (easy sex) without ending up like this…
8. Do not completely avoid giving off provider vibes
First off, I’m not suggesting that you act like Captain Save-A-Hoe. What I am suggesting is that giving off a bit of a provider vibe every so often can work in your favor. The reason is that the most important trait to an SM when hunting for a target looking for a man is his ability to provide for her children. When her radar picks up that provider signal she’s desperately looking for she’ll do anything to lock you down. Blowjobs on command, back massages, after-sex sandwiches, strip teases, you name it. She’ll pull out all the stops to show you what a fantastic and unique and amazing woman she is in hopes of getting a commitment from you. Of course you’re not looking for commitment or anything close to it but she doesn’t know that and as long as she thinks there’s a chance for it she’ll continue to chase that carrot like a starving jack rabbit.
7.Never babysit for ANY amount of time
“I need to run in for cigarettes. Can you watch Timmy while I run in?” DON’T DO IT. Watching Timmy for four minutes will turn into watching him, his spoiled rotten sister, and his kid brother who needs his ADD medication every 30 minutes on a while she and her slutty friends have girl’s night out.
Nip this in the bud the first time she tries it because this is also a shit test. Fail it and you’re done. If she raises hell about it, next her. There are plenty of hot sluts out there without any snot nosed baggage.
6. Turn her into a bowling ball
Regardless of how hot a single mom is, her SMV is lowered because she has children. They would never verbally acknowledge this in public but they know the score. Not having much else to bring to the table she will concentrate her efforts in the bedroom to balance the baggage created by her rug rats. Take full advantage of this—turn her into a bowling ball and penetrate all three of her luscious holes. She will gladly participate in any debauchery your dirty mind can dream up to keep you around. Anal sex, parking lot blow jobs, sex tapes, and nude pictures are just the tip of the iceberg. Nothing is off limits and neither are any of her orifices.
5. The very first time she withholds sex, NEXT HER
A single mother withholding sex from you is a mathematical inevitability. The reason for this is that they’re used to their vaginas being pedestalized by betas so they underestimate your need for sex. With this in mind, they attempt to pull this all-too-familiar power move to gain control of the “relationship.” But a man like you has options and if you don’t tolerate the hot, childless 22 year old putting your dick on detention, putting up with it from a 31 year old with a couple whipper snappers is a joke.
The first time she attempts to close her cooch for any reason simply stand up, smirk at her, say “It’s been fun” and walk out the door never to be seen or heard from again. This is your only move in this scenario.
4. Use her as a fuck buddy, nothing more
Single mothers make great fuck buddies. They’re unselfish in the sack and available all the time (watch how quickly they can find a last minute babysitter when alpha cock is calling). But making her anything other than a coitus companion is a huge mistake. As soon as she gets the idea that she’s anything more than a moist hole for your salty swimmers she’ll expect to be treated like a girlfriend thinking you’ve finally taken the bait.
“How ’bout the occasional coffee date?” Nope. Bang buds are for banging, not having romantic little chats over lattes with.
“What about watching a movie at her place?” Two conditions: 1) Her kids aren’t there. 2) It leads to sex. Bounce like a bad check when the dirty deed is done.
“Friends with benefits?” Negative. She is not your friend and you ain’t givin’ her benefits. Leave that to her orbiters and the government.
Giving an SM any allowance of your time, money, or attention only leads to trouble. Underestimating her ability to weasel her way into your resources would be a gross misstep on your part. Don’t give her that opportunity. Fuck buddy is the only status she deserves.
3. Do not get close to her children
Children of single mothers are yearning for a strong male presence and as soon as one makes an appearance, they latch on and don’t let go. Who can blame them? When a child looks up to you, mimics you, and gives you a hero’s welcome whenever you walk in the door it really has an effect on you. I know this from personal experience.
Do yourself a favor and do not connect with her children. Avoiding them all together is probably the best course of action. This should be quite easy as there is usually a custody order in place which requires them to spend a couple nights a week with dad. Schedule your trysts with her on nights when he’s got the kids and this shouldn’t be an issue.
2. Do not pay for anything
This one is simple, gents. There is absolutely no need to take out your wallet for a woman who gets food and shelter from the government, financial favors from white knights, and monthly payments from the father(s) of her child(ren). Period.
1. Do not get into an LTR with her
As obvious as this is there are a lot of men out there who don’t understand that single mothers are damaged women that make terrible significant others so let me sum this up as succinctly as possible: a single mother wants nothing more than to trap a beta to provide for her children so she doesn’t have to. As soon as she secures a commitment from said provider via shared residence, marriage, etc., she assumes her children are taken care of. On this assumption she then goes on the hunt for alpha cock to take care of herself, thus, satisfying her hypergamy.
Believing anything different will lead to your undoing.
Single mothers are at the bottom of the totem pole as far as LTR material goes but they do make excellent pussy pals if you know what you’re doing. Her mission in life is to lock down a beta provider for her young at all costs. This makes gaming them is child’s play and they will often treat you much better than their younger, hotter, childless competition. As long as you understand what they really want out of you and treat them accordingly, you’ll have no shortage of these venturesome vixens willing to suck the life out of you for a chance at that social and financial security they so richly deserve.
Read More: 4 Types of Bargain-Bin Pussy That You Should Avoid
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