Despite my articles aimed around sluts and how to deal and pull them, I also am aware that there are some girls (a very small percentage) worth keeping around. I’m not saying marry a girl tomorrow, if she displays these qualities, but she may be worthy of girlfriend material and after at least 2 years of dating, a possible candidate for marriage. I understand that not all of you cats have the desire to fuck fresh sluts every weekend and are more of a one girl type of guy. If you’re that type of guy, then pour a fresh cup of coffee or chug a Red Bull and read closely.
Note: These are not in a particular order of importance. They are ALL important.
8. Good Family (But not too involved)
Point out a family and there’s a good chance you can tell what type of daughter they have. You want trailer trash? Then date a trailer park family’s daughter. You want a WASP, then vacation in the Hamptons and meet an All-American girl; however it’s not about their economic background, it’s about how solid the family is as a unit. This is a fact. If a girl grew up the result of divorced parents, then she will not be as apt to commit, nor to remain committed through thick and thin.
I would say it’s better to date and marry equal to, or less than in terms of family money. If you’re blue-collared and your wife is blue-blooded, then good luck constantly being compared to her relatives and being considered the outcast. Better to be the one with ‘money’ and looked up to, then the flipside. You don’t want to be dependent on a chick’s family money. Trust me.
Is the father the patriarch? Does the mom wear the pants? Study the dynamic and choose the girl with the family who’s father reigns supreme, as it should be.
A family that is cohesive, supportive, but not too involved in the details of your relationship with their daughter is perfect.
7. Good Relationship With Her Dad
This is a given. Yes, I know, a girl can have a great relationship with her dad and be sucking every cock in sight while away from him, however odds are if the dad is street smart and has trained his daughter well, then she won’t be a slut.
On the flipside, be careful about a girl who’s too much of a ‘Daddy’s Girl’ and who runs to him for every little issue. You’ll constantly be compared to her dad and this is when you lay the law down and let her know you’re not her dad and you won’t tolerate being compared or disrespected.
The perfect blend is a girl who honors her dad, respects him and is obedient. Trust me, she will treat you the same.
6. She’s Had Less Than 10 Cocks
If you want a girl with a Arby’s Special for a labia then choose a girl who’s had more cocks then Jenna Jameson. If you want a girl who has had some respect for herself and her future significant other, then choose a girl who’s not very sexually experienced. Some of you may want a girl who know’s how to suck the chrome off a pipe, well my friends, why don’t you let her practice on you? Turn her into YOUR own personal porn star. Who wants a chick who’s had multiple cum loads deposited into her pussy?
Science tells us now that a girl who’s had 16 or more sexual partners has difficulty bonding with a partner, as well as their future children. I say 10 or less. Something happens when they hit the double digit numbers and it becomes easier for them to justify and rationalize it. Get a girl who’s open sexually, but with you and isn’t experienced. Thank me later.
5. She Has No Kids
Unless you’re Mark Minter and you enjoy raising another man’s sperm, then definitely do NOT date/marry a girl who has kids from a previous guy. You will regret this like hell, I’m warning you in all seriousness. If you were to get a divorce and you make more than her, then guess what buddy? You’ll be paying child support for a fucking kid that’s not even yours. Repeat after me: FUCK THAT SHIT. Life is too short to be cleaning up other people’s mistakes.
Leave the cuckoldry to Mark Minter.
4. She’s Never Been Married
Damaged goods. Damaged goods. Damaged goods. You want her vision of marriage to be fresh, pure and untainted by Bubba Joe who she married in 2004 and they lasted 1 year until she found him bent over in the bathroom with a suction cup dildo fucking himself.
If you’re getting serious with her, don’t take her word for never having been married. Run her name in the marriage license nationwide database and make sure. It doesn’t make you a creep; it makes you fucking smart that you value your time, your money and your fucking future. Moving on…
3. She Follows You
Show me a successful relationship or a marriage and I’ll show you a couple where the Man is a Man and the Woman follows him. You do not want an ‘enlightened feminist’ cunt who will make your life hell and question every fucking action or decision of yours. You want a sweet, feminine, girl who WANTS to follow a strong man wherever that might be. She will be happier for it and it will make your job easier which is to lead.
Grab the helm Captain; lead your girl.
2. She’s Not Materialistic
Now I like a girl with fashion sense and who has a taste in fine things and the baller lifestyle, HOWEVER, there is a huge difference between a girl who wants you for you and a girl who wants you for your lifestyle and money. Find a girl who while she has CLASS, she’s not feigning for it, nor is it a dealbreaker if you don’t have money. The girl who takes the bus with you is the same girl who should be in your Bentley. If she scoffs at the bus, then what the fuck do you think she will do when all hell breaks loose in your life and you lose everything? (God forbid, but hypothetically)
I’ve been on both sides of the fence, on the bus and in a Bentley and back again over and over up and down and let me tell you, the girls who rode the bus were the quality girls. The ones who wanted in the Bentley were shallow gold digging cunts who were out once the Bentley was gone.
If her eyes light up about material shit and she won’t shut up about certain designer shit when she knows you can’t afford it, then dump her to the side. Or leave her at the next bus stop.
1. She’s A Ride or Die Bitch
This is the MOST important quality a girl can have. I’ve been at those moments in life where I didn’t know if I was getting out of handcuffs that night, but I did know that I could make one call to the RorD Girl and tell her to “get some cash from you know where and bail my ass out”.
There is no price tag on this quality. It can safe your life and that’s not a joke.
A girl that’s there for you when you’re sick, homeless (I’ve been there believe it or not), hungry and broke, is infucking valuable. Treat her right. She’s a keeper.
Read More: Watch A True G In Action
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