The following is a sponsored article by Charlie Morton and International Love Scout.
Every guy wants to walk in to the room with the most beautiful girl at the party. It is shallow and superficial, but all men are attracted to beautiful women. It is just the human nature, but, lucky for you, today it has never been easier to dating perfect 10s.
There is a simple formula to dating perfect 10s – super hot, model quality ladies – and I am going to explain it right here. I am not going to charge you $39.99 or even make you sign up for my incredibly entertaining and useful email list.
I am going to tell you how to do it, so you will visit my website and tell your friends about my website, International Love Scout. You might even decide to sign up for my email list, but you don’t have to.
And guess what? Today it is not that complicated to date stunning women. In fact, it is often easier to date one of the hottest women in the world than to date an average woman from your home town if you know the formula.
The Formula For Dating Perfect 10s
First, do not limit yourself because of where you live or the passport you carry. Come on, man! This is the twenty-first century. You don’t have to marry the girl next door. The internet makes it easy to communicate with anyone, anywhere, and Boeing makes it possible to be almost anywhere on the planet in seventy-two hours.
Just as important is the development of the modern mail order bride industry in the last twenty-five years. There are scores of businesses which exist to help men from the United States, Canada, Australia, and Western Europe to meet, date, and develop relationships with the most beautiful women in the world.
You, sir, are lucky to be alive today! Casanova could never meet the number and quality of women that any decent man can meet today.
For Americans and Europeans meeting a beautiful woman from the far side of the world is incredibly cheap because the strength of the dollar and the Euro and plunging international airfares. If you use a little sense you can date an amazing woman that you are crazy about for about the same amount of money you would spend dating bland, demanding girls from back home.
Second, be picky. Seriously, in the United States or Europe a man is pretty much stuck with random chance of meeting women at work or the produce section. Your friends will set you up and you will end up on painful blind dates with women you are not attracted to.
But in international dating you can meet exactly the kind of woman you want to meet. You can meet and date your perfect 10! If you like blondes, you can meet incredible Russian women by the thousands. If Asian women are your thing you can meet more stunners than Kabila Khan ever dreamed possible.
Or maybe you would like to date a fitness model? You can, even if you are an overweight weekend warrior who mostly limits themselves to sixteen-ounce curls. I am living proof!

Yeah, it was a very nice date!
I would never have been able to date a smart, beautiful, super-fit twenty-six year old blond in the United States, and that is what makes international dating so incredible.
Third, educate yourself about the challenges and opportunities of international dating. You can really date women FAR out your league, but there are pitfalls.
Scams can still happen, but generally they are not international dating scams. They are dumb guy scams. If you give money to a woman – including your wife – you are doing so on faith that she will do what she said she would do with the money. So, don’t give money to women and that will eliminate 90% of the scams.
A more serious problem for a lot of men is simply making a choice. There are so many beautiful women on international dating sites that deciding the two or three or four you would like to date can be overwhelming.
Often guys act like a hot dog eating champ at Golden Corral, and it is just not pretty. Show a little class, try not to be overwhelmed, and don’t overload your plate. You can always go back for seconds, but you can never make another first impression.
A lot of men start off thinking they are going to be international playboys, but, in reality, the best thing that can happen to most men is to marry a significantly younger woman. Yep, there is scientific proof for that.
A related problem is that you need to be careful about how much you promise these beautiful foreign women. Marrying a foreign man is usually good for the man, but an incredible life changing experience for the woman. Most of the women on mail order bride sites understand this.
Today many of them have relatives living in the United States, Australia, or another developed country. They actually want to get married and have kids and the whole nine yards. That is true in Ukraine, Thailand, Colombia, and any other country. The vast majority of women, regardless of race, religion, or national origin want a stable, long term relationship – either marriage or something very close to it.
Yes, girls want to have fun too, and if that is what you are out for just be honest. You are a catch in Kiev or Bangkok if you are willing to spend a little money and there are a decent number of women who will be willing to have fun with you, but just give them a general idea of your plans.
If not, unless you are a complete psychopath you will feel awful if you go around raising the hopes of these women only to snuff them out on a whim. So, be careful how much you promise these women, because what might be a simple fling to you might break their heart forever.
So, live a little and find your perfect 10. It really is not hard. You have romantic opportunities that no Russian Czar, King of France, or Emperor of China could ever dream of. Live a little, take a few chances, and enjoy dating a woman you are excited about dating. Click here to visit International Love Scout.
Charlie Morton once lived in a supposedly haunted Civil War fort on an island in the Gulf of Mexico. Now, he wanders the world trying to help men and women find the happiness they deserve. If you have questions about love, life, or fantasy football you can reach him through his Facebook Page.
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