It’s 2018, and the Incel Economy has never looked hotter. I’ve been bullish on the Incel Economy for quite some time, and 2018 looks like a year of massive financial gains. Google search trends show declining searches for dating related keywords and increasing searches for terms like “waifu” and “dakimakura.”
While the glorious 2D age is several decades away, it would be worthwhile to examine current sociocultural trends and make predictions about what 2018 holds for the Incel Economy.
What Is The Incel Economy?
The Incel Economy is a term used to refer to those companies and sectors of the economy that grow when self-reported sexual activity declines. Millennials are increasingly not having sex due to a variety of sociocultural trends. Rising standards among millennial men and women coupled with decreasing physical attractiveness and income levels are largely to blame.
The Incel Economy White Paper
Abstract. The Incel Economy herein refers to those sectors of the economy & related technologies that grow during years in which self-reported sexual activity falls, e.g., services like Crunchyroll and consumer electronics companies.
(Figure 1.)
— Faceberg (@thefaceberg) December 2, 2017
Millennial Men Cannot Stop Watching Porn
Most millennial men cannot go a week without watching someone shove something up their ass on the Internet. Porn tricks their insect brains into thinking they’re sexually active. As long-term porn use continues, bizarre fetishes develop and porn becomes preferable to the real thing. Like your mother, porn is easy to access and always available. There would be an Elliot Rodger every hour if not for porn.

Don’t be this guy.
Millennial Women Cannot Stop Being Fat
Most millennial women cannot go a week without eating colorful, overpriced pastries. Artisanal cupcakes, craft macarons, and the Notorious PSF (pumpkin spice frappuccino) are but a few of her drugs of choice. I don’t really keep up with women’s clothing, but the average dress size in the United States was a 16 last time I checked. Damn.

Easy multiple-choice question.
While some millennial men have started to lift weights, dress better, and make an effort to meet girls, it’s clear that girls aren’t even trying.
The sexual marketplace has always been a buyer’s market. Millennial women have cleverly re-branded their ballooning waistlines as “curvy” or “thicc [sic],” with some degree of success. In addition, male thirst remains at an all-time high. Thus, the millennial man either settles for the 4/10 “curvy” Latina or seeks pleasure elsewhere.
This is where the Incel Economy comes into play. If a young adult male has dropped out of the dating market—as is increasingly common—he now has a lot of free time on his hands. He’s not going out to bars or nightclubs (do people still do this?) and he’s spending the majority of his time home alone.

Average millennial man circa 2018.
What is he doing? He’s playing video games, watching capeshit or anime, and browsing the Internet. It is no surprise that GPU manufacturers AMD and NVIDIA were two of the best performing stocks of last year.
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I am not here to fix the Incel Economy. I am here to teach you how to profit off of it so you can retire at thirty on some Mediterranean island far away from this laughingstock of a country. What we need to be on the lookout for going forward are those companies that are going to profit off of this emerging trend.
The Incel Economy And Computer Hardware
More and more people are opting to build their own PCs. A PC is now the go-to gaming device because Sony and Microsoft have no idea what they’re doing anymore with the PlayStation and Xbox, respectively. I don’t even know anyone with an Xbox One and the PS4 only has one game.
Nintendo could be a good investment, but they’ve lacked proper third-party support for decades and seem to make random, nonsensical business decisions. Still, their first party games are top notch and they’re expanding into mobile gaming.

A typical Saturday night in 2018.
Next, we have capeshit (superhero movies) and anime. Nobody under 25 watches sports, so I’d stay away from those related industries. Netflix will continue to be huge. They have an excellent, reoccurring business model and are rapidly expanding their selection of capeshit and anime.
The Incel Economy also includes women, and anyone who has lived with girls will know that all they do is watch Netflix and go out for frozen yogurt. There’s money here. Also, niche copycat services like Crunchyroll and Filmstruck could be good too. The former specializes in anime and the latter in kino.
The Incel Economy And The Film Industry
Disney will continue to churn out massively popular, best-selling garbage such as Marvel superhero movies, Star Wars, and Pixar films. I wouldn’t be surprised if some Netflix shows get theatrical releases, too. The film industry is dying in the United States because you have to leave your house to attend screenings, but the Chinese can’t get enough of American films. Sino-futurism is always something to consider.
Before we get to the last topic, I’d like to make a special note of the pet and pet food industries. Pet ownership will go way up during the Incel Economy, because women see dogs and cats as surrogate children. These industries would be a long-term hold, as I don’t see birth rates ever recovering to replacement levels in the United States.

Expect to see more of this. A lot more.
The Incel Economy And The Internet
I’d be cautious of the latest dating apps, but I’d give everything else a green light. That means social media, software services, and smartphone apps. Try and find the next Instagram and get in before it’s assimilated into the Facebook hive mind.
Technology is not going away, despite my desperate nightly prayers. VR could be hit or miss, but AI sounds promising. Sexbots are always going to be weird and I don’t see them gaining mainstream appeal. The first company to make an AI girlfriend like in Blade Runner 2049 will be the next Microsoft. Something like Siri or that Amazon machine that watches you sleep but is useful and attractive.

The future.
Hopefully you’ll find a few takeaways here that will make your 2018 a profitable year. The Incel Economy is here to stay and it’s about time someone recognized the lucrative opportunities it contains.
Read more: The Basics Of Sex Economy And Self-Regulation
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