Pedophilia Is Entrenched Within The Highest Reaches Of The French Elite

Pedophilia Is Entrenched Within The Highest Reaches Of The French Elite

French justice just acquitted a man after he had sex with an 11-year-old girl, on the grounds that the “sex was consensual.” As you probably know by now, after inoculating the most repulsive ideas in the everyday life of the West, the next big project of the left is to normalise and legalise pedophilia.

Liberal child predators are untouchable in France. The gangrene is so deep and is so inextricably linked with the high-spheres of the government that tackling the roots of the problem would mean a total collapse of the establishment.

Pierre Bergé

Pedophilia Is Entrenched Within The Highest Reaches Of The French Elite

He was the sadistic lover of fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent, a “source of inspiration” for trendy Parisians. He dealt with his fortune after his companion’s death and bought the French newspaper Le Monde. He almost managed to tank it by making it dive even more in the Lügenpresse with his sick agenda.

Yves Saint Laurent was a sick and depraved sociopath of the lowest level, with all his being invested and reveling in the most abject and perverse circles.

Pedophilia Is Entrenched Within The Highest Reaches Of The French Elite

The Wicked Lulu and its creator

YSL wanted to distribute his sketches of the “Wicked Lulu”(a story of a satanist child who sacrifices other children, electrocutes old people or sells little girls to an Arabian emir, their “new daddy”) to children but the authorities of the time prevented it.

Documented sources were published on how this old pill bug of Pierre Bergé had a cohort of “docile slaves” walking around with dog leashes while he tortured and urinated on them. The same sources describe how he abducted little boys in his summer house in Morocco and invited  many left-wing political figures and personalities, where they could satisfy their abject urges, away from the reach of the French justice.

Fabrice Thomas, the pair’s former driver, said that Weinstein is a “choir boy” compared to the sick bastards that YSL and Pierre Bergé were. Luckily for us, Satan is now raping them with his pitchfork somewhere in the ninth circle of Hell.

Jack Lang

Pedophilia Is Entrenched Within The Highest Reaches Of The French Elite

A flamboyant homosexual, former Minister of Culture, and close friend of homo-activist and advocate of pedophilia René Schérer, Lang is also one of Macron’s mentors and a close friend of Pierre Bergé. A vocal supporter of Roman Polanski, he signed an open letter in 1977 requesting that pedophiles abusing children older than twelve should not be prosecuted.

Lang’s name surfaced in the supposed abuse of minors during the “Corral Affair” in the eighties during which one child was found raped to death.

His name is also linked to the affair of Rosella Hightower’s dance school in Cannes, where the owners of the school were accused of providing children to high-ranking personalities. Lang was incriminated by telephone recordings during a police investigation, but was not prosecuted.

Pedophilia Is Entrenched Within The Highest Reaches Of The French Elite

A few years ago, a “former minister” was caught in a police raid in Morocco targeting pedophile circles. He was exfiltered by the French state in the hours following his arrest. Lang’s name was not officially involved as he went one step ahead and threatened with prosecution anyone that would dare accuse him.

Pedophilia Is Entrenched Within The Highest Reaches Of The French Elite

As Roger Holeindre, war veteran and figure of the Front National said: “There are places where children are brought as prostitutes to members of the Socialist party and the likes of Jack Lang (…). I won’t give a flying fuck about Europe until the rot in my country is not cleansed. I want to save my fatherland and all the Jack Langs of France and everywhere else to be hung high and finally made accountable.”

Former Head of the Central Directorate of General Intelligence Yves Bertrand kept his investigations logged in a booklet where it is written that “Lang went to the Mamounia Hotel in Marrakesh to have sex with little boys.” He reported it to President Jacques Chirac’s cabinet but the enquiry was dropped.

Daniel Cohn-Bendit

Pedophilia Is Entrenched Within The Highest Reaches Of The French Elite

Known for being a communist rioter who harboured a terrorist from the Rotte Armee Fraktion and a mediocre European deputy for the Greens, Daniel likes diddling children almost as much as he likes homosexuals and opening France’s borders for rocket scientists and mathematicians from Mogadishu. Here is a summary of his political priorities.

DCB was entangled in accusations following the pedophile scandal of the German Green Party which shook the country.  Cohn Bendit described in his book “Le Grand Bazar”, pulished in 1975, how he worked in an “alternative” (read “left-wing unmonitered degenerate”) kindergarten and let kids open his fly and play with his genitals. He “needed their desire”. He also confessed on TV how being undressed by 5 year-old little girls was an amazingly sexual experience.

He was called out several times by his adversaries on his pedophile sympathies, among them Jean-Marie Le Pen, and recently the people of the city of Wroclaw in Poland wanted to confront him when he tried to hold a conference in one of the local universities. Seeing angry protesters, he locked himself in his hotel and never came out.

Every time he is cornered, his excuse is: “How could you do this to me? All my family was gassed in Auschwitz!”. He says now that he regrets writing about it. I think he mainly regrets getting caught.

Jean Marc Morandini

Pedophilia Is Entrenched Within The Highest Reaches Of The French Elite

This television presenter and producer is an apostle of trash television and could be the gay child of a romance between Dr Phil and Jeremy Kyle. He started sweating in 2016 when he was accused and questioned by the police regarding the castings he organised for young males, many of them minors, to act in his series.

He allegedly asked those minors to pose naked and masturbate on camera during the castings. He was also caught and assigned to court for knowingly sending sexually explicit messages to a 15 year-old minor. Justice eventually did not prosecute him as the details of the affair were “too vague.”

Frederic Mitterrand

Pedophilia Is Entrenched Within The Highest Reaches Of The French Elite

Mitterrand is the nephew of former Liberal and free-mason president Francois Mitterrand and a famous homosexual, “man of culture”, TV presenter, and writer. He likes to describe how he avidly preyed on male minors of South East Asia before choosing the “Maghreb solution”.

He explained in great detail in his books how he enjoyed the brothels of Thailand selling little boys: “All the rituals of the twink fair, of this slave market, turned me on uncontrollably.”

Pedophilia Is Entrenched Within The Highest Reaches Of The French Elite

Mitterrand and Bergé dedicating a plaque to YSL on the Villa Majorelle, where all those horrors took place.

Mitterrand has two “adopted sons” and the Moroccan justice is still after him for taking these children from their mothers and no doubt that he dresses them as Lactacia, unleashing his urges on them while the authorities bury their head in the sand.

Le sale et l’immonde est paradé par les puissants

It is incredible to notice that the power that those elites wield makes them forget their human condition while persuading them that they are above the law and can provoke the population with their sordid behaviour with virtually no consequences.

These are just echoes of the suspected pedophile rings protected by power all around Western Countries: Great Britain, Lithuania, Belgium  or the United States among others.

Three elements should raise eyebrows regarding the above characters:

  • all of them hail from the left and were important supports of Emmanuel Macron
  • all of them are homosexuals and vocal supporters of Roman Polanski
  • all of them spent regular holidays in Morocco and all the accusations lead there

Those who still believe in the representatives of the French state and have anything but contempt for them are in denial. Only fire can cleanse this filth.

Read More: The French Have Elected Globocuck Emmanuel Macron And His Pro-Islamic Platform


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