The Reverend Al Sharpton has claimed that the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and the mixed-race actress Meghan Markle is evidence that white supremacy is “on its last breath.”
Sharpton made the remarks while speaking at his weekly National Action Network rally Saturday in Harlem as the Royal Wedding took place.
“When you got little white girls in Wales saying, ‘I want to be like Meghan,’ there’s a shift worldwide that white male supremacy is on its last breath,” Sharpton said.
He went on to suggest that now many young girls look up to successful black women, a fact he says is concerning to many white parents, and a fear that he says was exploited by President Donald J. Trump.
“When you have little white girls in Arkansas look up and say, ‘I want to be beautiful and smart like Michelle Obama,” he continued. “I want to dress like the Obama girls (Sasha and Malia),’ that’s where that white supremacy is questioned. White parents in their living room say, ‘We’ve got to do something.’ That’s what Trump played on.”
The 63-year-old civil rights activist added that many white supremacists are “losing their minds” as black people continue to improve their lives in modern America.
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“They’re losing their minds because the world is passing away where they are the standard,” he added. “Where they decide what is beauty, where they decide what is of intellectual depth.”
Markle, however, has previously described scrutiny of her background and ethnicity as “disheartening,” adding that she would prefer people to see her for who she is.
“You know it’s it’s a shame that that is the climate in this world to focus that much on that or that that would be discriminatory in that sense but I think you know at the end of the day I’m really just proud of who I am and where I come from, and we have never put any focus on that,” she said in an interview with the BBC last year.
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