The result comes three years after Ireland became the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage by popular vote, and a year after Varadkar, an openly-gay politician and son of an Indian immigrant, became Prime Minister.
Once a deeply religious country — Ireland only voted to legalize divorce by a razor-thin majority in 1995 — the authority of the Roman Catholic Church and its reputation has been damaged in a series of scandals over the past 20 years.
Irish women are traveling thousands of miles back home so they can vote in a referendum to legalize abortion. We should have never let women vote.
— Roosh (@rooshv) May 24, 2018
Look at their eyes. Empty and lifeless. They hate life so they want to destroy it.
— Roosh (@rooshv) May 24, 2018
Siobhan Donohue, chairwoman for Termination for Medical Reasons (TFMR), an abortion rights campaign group, described the result as “a hugely significant and hugely historic step forward.”
Donohue, who had to travel to neighboring Britain to have an abortion when her baby TJ was diagnosed with a fetal anomaly, said she felt relieved.
“It confirmed to us that we do live in a compassionate country, which we thought we did but we didn’t know how far it reached,” she said.
“There was a lot of worry and a lot of concern over if it didn’t pass, what would happen,” she told NBC News from Dublin. “Having shared our stories and shared our experiences, if people had voted ‘no’ what would that have meant for us?”
But Donohue warned that the fight was not over, and that people in Ireland will still have to travel to Britain in order to receive an abortion in coming weeks until the law is changed. “But it’s the first, big and important step,” she said.
“All medical pro-life groups are needed now more than ever,” she said, adding that Doctors for Life will be very busy ensuring that doctors were granted “genuine” conscientious objection.
Look how they’re so joyful at the sight of killed babies. This world truly isn’t worth living in anymore.
— 1885 (@NorthBarra) May 24, 2018
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Abortion and child support are concepts that are at odds with each other. Child support implies that ownership is shared, while abortion implies that the ownership is in the hands of the females.
— AltRightYouth (@AltRightYouth_) May 25, 2018
Halpenny said she was concerned that doctors will not be given the right to refuse to refer patients on to termination services.
It now falls on Parliament to establish new laws governing abortions.
The government proposes that the law be changed to allow unrestricted access to abortions up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Later abortions would also be allowed in special circumstances.
The referendum follows an emotive and often acrimonious campaign. More than 3.2 million people registered to vote in the referendum.
They've likely all had abortions. Psychologically they've committed to the narrative that it was "a clump of cells." I pity them to an extent. They were tricked by years of pop culture programming. Yes, they should have known better, but the brainwashing is incessant.
— LastKingofScotland (@KingofLast) May 25, 2018
Also, look at the pancake makeup. These are bitter post wall hags who want all women to feel as they do, empty and barren.
— northern_refugee (@northern_refuge) May 24, 2018
Ireland is one of the few E.U. countries that does not allow those abroad to vote by mail or at embassies, so many expatriates traveled to cast their ballots and shared their journeys on social media under the hashtag #hometovote.
Amnesty International welcomed the referendum result as “a victory for equality, for dignity, for respect and compassion.” But said Northern Ireland’s abortion laws must now be relaxed.
Access to abortion is also highly restricted across the border in Northern Ireland, which is part of United Kingdom.
Don’t Miss: How Abortion Creates A Society Of Entitled Women And Desperate Men
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