There are many reasons women manipulate men. The more prevalent reasons these days are money, gifts, financial favors, etc. For example, if your woman wants a to go on a weekend getaway so she’ll let you fuck her brains out the entire week.
Another example would be if she wants a kitchen upgrade so she tells you that you can have a “man cave” and one night of anal sex with her so you’ll agree to a 5-figure mortgage refinance loan so she can get her overpriced kitchen.

Many kitchens have been negotiated with “man caves” and anal
The best example would be being on her best behavior because she wants you to propose. She sucks your dick every night, let’s you do it in the butt, cooks you meals every night, she’s kind, agreeable, feminine, etc. (Note: A woman is never more well behaved when she hears the sounds of wedding bells in the not-too-distant future)
The bottom line here is that women rarely do anything for a man just to be nice. There’s always an ulterior motive and that’s where the manipulation comes in.
Manipulation vs. Good behavior
While it’s important to know how to nip female manipulation in the bud, it’s equally important to know the difference between a woman attempting to manipulate you and a woman exhibiting good behavior.
The difference between the two is that manipulation is good behavior occurs close to the time when a woman wants something. Good behavior happens all the time.
If a woman knows she’s good to you and doing what she needs to do to hold it down with regular sex, cooking, looking good for you, representing you well in public, giving you access to her phone, staying off social media and so forth, she doesn’t feel the need to manipulate you into doing something for her. She knows she’s entitled to good treatment from you because she’s a good woman to you.

Girls who do this on the regular don’t need to manipulate their men
Women who manipulate men for gifts, trips, iPhones, etc. know they are not doing what’s necessary to be a good woman. Women who use manipulation tactics know they haven’t built up enough equity with you to simply ask you for what they want. So they dress like a slut, cook your favorite meal, or whatever it is they think they can do you manipulate you. Once they get what they want, the good behavior stops and that’s how you know it’s manipulation.
Women who are good all the time know they have the right to ask you for things and they know that in order to keep that privilege they have to continue to do what’s necessary to feel entitled to good treatment from you.
So now that we’ve laid down the basics, let’s get to the first step on how to stop being manipulated by your woman.
Be proactive and set the tone. Setting the tone and letting your know you are not the kind of man who cannot be manipulated is absolutely paramount. Not only does this reduce the odds of her trying to pull any bullshit with you, when she actually does (and she will) she’ll be far less confident because you let her know early on that you’re not here for the games.
So how do you set the tone and let your woman know you’re not who gets tripped up by mind games? Let’s take a look at four examples and how to properly respond:
Call bullshit on her sob stories
Her: “My ex boyfriend was horrible! He was an abusive alcoholic who gambled away our money while he fucked hookers and snorted cocaine while he simultaneously beat and raped me every night!”
You: :::roll your eyes and chuckle::: “Oh stop…if he was so bad why’d you stay with him for 3 years? We both know you weren’t the perfect girlfriend either. And don’t talk about your ex around me. Save that shit for your friends.”
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Cry me a river….
This accomplishes two things. First, it shows her you’re not gonna buy the bullshit stories about her ex like all her other boyfriends did which means she won’t try to bad mouth him again and second, it stops her from talking about her ex around you.
Don’t take everything at face value
When she makes a statement you find questionable, quiz her on it. Ask her questions. Ask for details. That tells her in no uncertain terms that you won’t believe just anything she says. She knows that if she tells you something it has to be true, and she has to be able to back it up lest you question her on the details.
If you don’t ask questions about shit you have questions about, this WILL come back to bite you because if you start and you didn’t do it in the beginning, she won’t answer your questions when you try to. Be skeptical of everything she tells you that doesn’t make sense or sounds strange or suspicious.
Tell her about your ex’s unsuccessful manipulation attempts
It’s inevitable that your girl is going to ask you “So why did you and your girlfriend break up?” Rather than going into some long diatribe about what really happened say this:
“We broke up because she wanted to manipulate me and she couldn’t.”
If she asks “How did she try?”
Dismissively say: “You know how women are.”
This tells her that you know a woman’s nature and that you know that she knows what women do to manipulate men.
This makes her far less likely to try any bullshit with you later on because she knows you’re wise to how women really are and what they do.
Point out examples when you’re out in public together
Example 1: If you see a woman being overly affectionate to her man in public, say “She must want something.”
Example 2: If you see a man buying something expensive for a woman, say “She must have let him go back door last night.”
Example 3: If you see a marriage proposal in public say “Welp! I guess he’s not having sex anymore!”
Example 4: If you see a woman crying in public, roll your eyes and say “Oh please…”
Example 5: If you see a woman throwing a fit or bitching about something say “That chick needs a stiff drink, a stiff dick, and a nap”
At some point your woman will inevitably challenge your pithy Red Pill arrows with what she’ll rationalize as “the voice of common sense.”
Challenge to example 1: “Well how do YOU know she wants something?! She might just be in love him!”
You say: “You don’t believe that.”
Challenge to example 2: “That’s not what it looks like to me!”
You say: “Of course YOU don’t” (then laugh)
When she’s heard enough of these she’ll finally say, “God you’re so jaded!”
You respond with: “You call it jaded, I call it experience.”
Taking these steps at the beginning of a relationship will drastically reduce the odds of her attempting to manipulate you, but keep in mind that nothing will completely eliminate it because this is just how females operate. She’s going to try at some point. Count on it.
However, taking the measures above lets her know that you’re not the typical guy who gives into her emotional shenanigans or believes everything she says. And when you make that clear to her both directly and indirectly, she will have more respect for you than she’s had for any man in quite a while.
Part Two will cover some of the ways women try to manipulate men and how to handle it directly so as to squash it like a bug…
…but if you don’t want to wait for the article, click here to watch or listen. And watch Donovan Sharpe drop Red Pill truth on TSR: Live weekday afternoons at 1pmE/10amP
Read Next: The Woman’s Most Potent Weapon Is Emotional Manipulation
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