Some Women Only Marry Men They Can Cheat On

Some Women Only Marry Men They Can Cheat On

In the past I wrote about an Italian friend who taught me how to play “real-life Tinder.” One of his specialties, if you want to call it that, are Polish and Ukrainian women who are in relationships. He concluded that a Polish woman will only marry a man she knows she can cheat on, which is compatible with my own experiences in Poland. After further consideration, I started to wonder if that could be applied to all women.

In Poland, it’s common to see attractive women with “beetroots,” the local slang for a standard-issue Polish man who always happens to be far uglier than his woman. In a globalized world where a Polish woman can date any man from the world, why marry a beetroot? The answer is that Polish women are aggressive and blatant with cheating.

I’ve seen Polish women grind on other men in the club while the drunk boyfriend was nearby; I’ve heard incredible stories of Polish men allowing their girlfriends to enjoy what is essentially a single lifestyle; and I’ve been on the receiving end of many casual sex encounters from women who had Polish boyfriends. If you have a Mediterranean or African look, it’s almost a guarantee that any Polish girl you sleep with already has a boyfriend, or a man who at least considers himself the boyfriend.

Some Women Only Marry Men They Can Cheat On

Even when a Polish girl gets married, her eyes stay open for attractive men. I feel almost disturbed when one gives me long eye contact while holding hands with her man. Polish women are smart with securing their future by marrying a beta male at a relatively young age (though that is changing for the worse), but that doesn’t stop their pursuit of alpha cock on the side. This is far better than the American woman strategy of wasting prime years with alpha males to only look for a beta when it’s too late.

Not only does a Polish woman marry the beta male, but she settles on one she know will be so clueless to her true nature that she will be able to take a trip every summer to Spain or Greece with her girlfriends. Sadly, I’ve also seen other Eastern European men get cucked in this manner.

A common manosphere belief is that women want strong, dominant men. This is not the full truth. A woman wants to fuck strong, dominant men, preferably when she already have a stable provider, and maybe even cuck her husband with superior alpha seed, but she doesn’t necessarily want to marry the alpha. There are two reasons why: (1) a true alpha offers little long-term stability since he has so much choice in women, and (2) he can’t be controlled.

When it comes to marriage, most women will choose the rich beta provider who she can dictate terms to over the less resourceful but sexy alpha. In fact, many women specifically marry men they know are much uglier than they can get to maintain a dominant frame in the relationship where the man is more scared to lose her than the other way around.

Some Women Only Marry Men They Can Cheat On

If you don’t believe me, simply think of all the men you know who are married or in long-term relationships. Are they dominating their women? Are they upholding strict standards? Are they fielding multiple sexual offers from other women? The answer is that a man who willingly gets into a long-term monogamous relationship is opposed to being the real alpha that women get instantaneous sexual excitement for, because to voluntarily enter a relationship with a woman means to compromise and bend your masculine will for the sake of comfort, stability, love, and female happiness. You’re still a man if you get married, but you’re likely not the type of man that many women who already have beta providers would cheat on and sacrifice their relationships for.


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The very word “husband” further proves the point. The images that don’t come to mind when you envision one are warrior, killer, barbarian, sexy, or famous. Instead, you may think of words like compliant, hard worker, reliable, hen-pecked, fatigued, and boring. I may very well be a husband some day, so I’m not criticizing those who are married, but the nature of marriage will stuff a man into a beta male mold that then creates desire in his wife for an alpha.

Therein lies the double-edged sword: either you started off as alpha but marriage softened you into a beta or your wife picked you out because you were beta and offered her the comfort and stability that the previous alphas in her life didn’t. If she picked you because you’re a beta, which is what happens in Poland, that means she has room for an alpha in her life, and sees you as someone who wouldn’t interfere with that plan.

Strangely enough, men who are most successful with long-term relationships are not the most alpha. Women want to feel attraction to a man but she also wants to exercise all the options that modern feminism allows her. She wants to work, party with friends in venues that serve alcohol, flirt with other men, and take girls-only vacations. She doesn’t want to be limited or controlled compared to her peer group, and the only man who won’t dare to wrangle her choices is the beta male.

I ended things with one girl because I wouldn’t tolerate behavior that other men she had known would. It’s no surprise that her next boyfriend was not only more beta than me, but more beta than her. When it comes to getting laid, being alpha is key, because it’s raw attraction that you transmutate into fast sex, but it’s not the key for relationships. This is why men who are good at casual sex often don’t get into relationships and men who are good at relationships don’t get much casual sex.

Some Women Only Marry Men They Can Cheat On

The best solution we have to this problem is to be the alpha provider, meaning that you satisfy both alpha and beta desires within a woman to ensure that a relationship is successful:

The fabled Alpha Provider is the captain of his ship and has the genuine respect and adoration of both his woman and his children. He does not tolerate foolishness in his household and is quick to punish such shenanigans. But he is equally bountiful whereas he rewards his woman for the nurturing of his brood, her sexual loyalty, and the upkeep of his domicile and property. Though it took him quite a while, his patience and red pill wisdom allowed him to successfully find a woman worthy to be his first mate.

The verdict is still out on if this can work in the real world, but it is the one that I am open to attempting. I’ll tread the middle between being an attractive, dominant man while also showing that I’m ready to provide for my family. The problem with this approach is that a woman doesn’t expect to have both the alpha and beta in one man, and they much rather compartmentalize them like Polish women do.

In the end, I rather be seen as a side dick to a girl than a stable provider because then I will experience no hidden deceit in believing she loves me while fooling around behind my back. In other words, I choose truth over love, because I know that if a woman has targeted me for marriage, it won’t necessarily be my idea of what a marriage should be.

The above article was first published on Roosh V

Read Next: Should Men Strive To Become An Alpha Provider?


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