We never stop to think that our time here is limited. Unlike God, we are mere mortals whose lives are going to end one day. And the sad truth is that we never know when it’s coming. For some, it will be a peaceful transition from the physical world to the spiritual world when you reach old age. To others, it will be a painful all of a sudden unexpected experience without a chance to say goodbye to their loved ones.
Unless you are in law enforcement, military, firefighting or any other life-threatening job, chances are that you live your days never stopping to think that you have an expiration date just like the food you bought in the supermarket a few days ago . I’m not trying to make you sad or depressed. Unfortunately, that’s just how life goes. Tomorrow I may die in a car crash, be run over by a car, killed by a bullet, contract a deadly disease, or just die of old age in a few decades from now.
There is so much stigma and taboo attached to this subject. In short, everyone wants to avoid talking about it. The goal of this article is to remove all the fear behind it and talk about this difficult topic in the easiest and pleasant way possible to swallow it down your throats.
1. Learn to enjoy the now, but do not become an instant gratification addict

“Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.” – Earl Nightingale
We tend to think there will always be a tomorrow and thus end up forgetting about the brevity of life. It’s only when a loved one passes away that we remember that we are all going to die one day. But a few days after the funeral of your loved one, everyone goes back to their daily routine and then this reminder of the fragility of our lives vanishes from our mind.
2. Learn to be happy with who you are and what you have already achieved in this lifetime

“Learn From Yesterday, Live for Today, hope for tomorrow.” – Orison Swett Marden
I’m not asking you to stop trying to improve your life or accept a life of mediocrity. Life has its ups and downs, but that doesn’t mean we can’t find happiness and joy at this very moment, even if we haven’t achieved all of our goals.
3. Accept that you might not achieve all your dreams in this lifetime

“The man who seeks one thing in life, and but one, May hope to achieve it before life be done; But he who seeks all things, wherever he goes, Only reaps from the hopes which around him he sows, A harvest of barren regrets.” – Owen Meredith
I’m not sure if I will live long enough to visit some English castles in Britain or to become fluent in Latin in order to be closer to my Roman ancestors. Regardless of what I will be able to achieve with the time I have left in here, do not waste your time trying to become a Jack-of-all-trades.
When I was younger, I used to waste too much time trying to be good at several things at the same time. This is the main reason I recommend you to pick only one or two skills/goals and focus all your energy and will for the next 40 years of your life if you want to master them. A jack-of-all-trades may know a little bit of everything, but unfortunately this comes with a big cost. He will never master any of them!
4. Prepare a will for your loved ones and leave a message for them

“My soul can find no staircase to Heaven unless it be through Earth’s loveliness.” – Michelangelo
If there is something or several things you wish to tell your loved ones before you go to the other side, I recommend you write all of these things in a letter and ask someone you trust such as a close friend of yours or a trustable lawyer to give it to them whenever you pass away.
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A lot of people never stop to think about leaving a will for their loved ones, especially their children and this can be detrimental for the future of your children and your family. I’m not sure how US laws are about this subject, since I only lived there for a few years, but at least here in Brazil, a lot of times children or young adults who just lost their mother or father become screwed up, thus losing part of their inheritance thanks to an older brother or smartass step-mother/step father who takes advantage of a lack of a will. All of this could have been avoided had their parents left a very clear testament.
Even if you are still a young man, make sure to at least start thinking about making provisions to not let this happen to your loved ones. After all, it can be detrimental for their future well-being.
5. Make amends/peace before you leave this realm

“To err is human; to forgive, divine.” – Alexander Pope
If you ever had a fight or done something wrong with someone you deeply cared for and regret doing so, it’s time to grow some balls and ask for forgiveness from that person. If they ghost you or they don’t accept, it’s their fault and the burden will be with them. You did your part, so you can feel relieved.
6. Accept that death is inevitable in nature’s law

The journey our soul has to go through of leaving our body and returning to the Kingdom of God is quite scary to most of us
As of right now, we have yet to be able to put a brain in a pot and make it work. And even if we do that, I ask: is it really worth extending your life beyond your biological expiration date? The idea of me living 200 more years stuck in a pot connected to a super computer doesn’t sound like living at all. I’d rather not to try to prolong my time in this planet if I can’t live it fully.
7. Accept the fact that death may come unexpectedly

“Realize that illness and other temporal setbacks often come to us from the hand of God our Lord, and are sent to help us know ourselves better, to free ourselves of the love of created things, and to reflect on the brevity of this life and, thus, to prepare ourselves for the life which is without end.” – Saint Ignatius
Wars, unexpectedly health issues, accidents, and natural disasters all play a part. This is an unfortunate reality of life. Even if you are young, you are at risk of dying. This is why I ask you to make an effort to enjoy every moment even if your life isn’t perfect. Tomorrow may be your last day.
8. Do not be afraid when the Reaper comes

Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. – Ecclesiastes 12:7
Do not be afraid when the time comes to leave this realm. Be proud of all your personal, biological and financial achievements! You will still be able to watch the future of your loved ones and legacy in heaven.

Our time in this world is limited. Everyday is a blessing by the grace of God.
Life has its ups and down, but still, this is no excuse for not using our time in here properly. Since none of us have a crystal ball to know which day The Lord will call us back to his palace in heaven, I want you to make a promise that from now on you will try your best to stop complaining about your current situation and start thanking God for giving you the power to live one more day.
Every day is a blessing! We all have our sad stories to tell, but its quite important for us to make an effort to improve ourselves every day, until we find ourselves six-feet under.
Read More: 9 Secrets To Living A Joyful Life
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