11 Online Personalities You Should Follow

11 Online Personalities You Should Follow

Online personalities have helped in many positive ways to shape society, change minds, and encourage more libertarian-esque or conservative values. Ever since YouTube became a well-known website, it made way for new and better voices that have reached in the millions.

What is the irony that capitalism allowed these corporations to gain access to monopoly and then stomp out capitalism by means of total domination? While there is pushback, it may not be enough. The censorship of right-leaning voices grows seemingly daily and monopoly clearly plays its role in this.

However, there are some voices out there you may not have heard of. And you may want to follow them before they are potentially censored.

1. Mark Dice

Mark Dice has been known for his ‘conspiracy theories’ about the illuminati and secret Satanic organizations. Personally, I find some of it to be farfetched but that’s just my view. However, he has made humorous content in criticism of the mainstream, centralized media. He’s also been big, more so in the past, on criticizing the dominant pop culture and the political madness within it.

He has a very humorous t-shirt that he sells, which reads: “Liberalism: Find A Cure.” I own it. It’s great.

2. Red Ice Radio


Red Ice Radio, as they’ve discussed before, started out in the more ‘conspiracy theories’ arena, questioning the powers which be and exploring a variety of topics. Over the years they’ve explored the heavier hitting topics and openly discussed the taboo. They’ve talked about the JQ (Jewish question), race and demographics change, the corruption of the European governments, etc. They’ve interviewed many controversial characters including pastor Jesse Lee Peterson, white nationalist Richard Spencer, and Holocaust revisionist David Cole.

They are a bold group and have influenced quite a few folks. I happen to be one of them.

3. Barbara4u2c


This chick is, I’ll admit, a tad silly. But her content has become more nationalist and is right-leaning, politically speaking. I do believe, given the lack of men who have a spine left, that women can be utilized to rally comrades in this fight against global domination by means of government and leftist’s desire for open borders.

Her material often deals with heavy content dealt with a light-hearted vibe.

4. Charisma Matrix

This guy is big on body language and tonality. His analysis, in terms of body language, of President Trump and President Putin is quite interesting and entertaining. He seems to be apolitical so his analysis is without bias and focuses more on the alpha male, higher-status situation.

Some gentlemen out there may find use of his content. He seems like a genuine guy.

5. Slightly Offens*ve


I came across this cat not too far back when he wasn’t as known. And it seems he’s become a tad popular and was even on a show with Gavin McInnes.

He once described himself as a centrist. In truth, I’d been fine being a centrist myself. However, as it stands today, that is not an option. And that’s also the downfall of the West. A very strong hand must be placed over society to keep the operation running without tearing itself apart. Centrism can easily slip down into liberalism and, of course, that mentality has not panned out too well.

He has great camera charisma and is a Trump supporter. So there’s certainly value to his character and what he’s doing.

6. Hotep Jesus

Hotep Jesus is part of a black movement of men who have ditched the anti-white worldview and embraced a better side for black men, which includes black fathers being in the home and not spreading their seed around town. It is a great movement to see that brings ease in terms of racial tension.


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Candice Owens is amongst the newer black right-leaning voices, and it helps in terms of rounding up comrades in the impending civil unrest which may surely (even if briefly) plague the West.

Hotep Jesus was even interviewed on Fox News after a hilarious video of him getting a free Starbucks coffee due to ‘racism.’ It was a stunt and demonstrated how idiotic the liberal mindset has become.

7. MGTOW Knowledge – Darius


Discovered this cat not too long ago. He is, from his appearance, a millennial man who discovered the truth about women from hard-hitting experience. He mainly discusses the sexes and encourages men to go their own way given the dating arena and how fucked everything is.

He seems to harvest some bitterness, and reasonably so. It was hard myself when I finally understood the true nature of women. When a man discovers this (frankly put, obvious) truth about the female sex, operating properly in that discovered environment can be a great advantage, lest you become an angry, lonely man.

He has some reasonable things to convey. May be worth checking out.

8. Red Pill Philosophy


This guy is not new to the MGTOW movement. He’s made content ranging from anti-feminism, politics of a variety, to flat-Earth debates. He was once interviewed on Red Ice Radio about being a Cuban Trump supporter. Himself, like many others, have had content removed from YouTube due to a ‘violation’ of their terms of service.

I appreciate a lot of his rhetoric. Seems like a cool guy to chill with.

9. Hunter Avallone

I’m not too familiar with his entire career, but he’s produced some humorous content, including recently discussing the rise of ecosexuality.

He’s a right-winger and has some decent content. Perhaps, though, geared more toward a millennial audience.

10. An Ear For Men

This gentlemen, who operates An Ear For Men, is another individual who grants well-placed advice for men in an era of absolute disgust where gender roles have been shattered by the vermin she-devil manticores of today, and the men who allowed this cultural switch to occur.

He discusses quite a few things ranging from deal-breakers with women, how to train your woman, men and suicide, etc. He seems like a reasonable man who understands quite well the opposite sex. His work is worth checking out, in my opinion.

11. Atheism-Is-Unstoppable


And lastly, this man. This is an individual who has had their account deleted a multiple of times. It’s literally become the norm for him. He is an atheist and, yes, liberal. He’s possibly one of the most reasonable of liberals I’ve watched for some time now. Great social and political commentary and he’s exposed Cenk Uygur a multiple of times on his constant race-baiting and anti-white rhetoric.

He also recently had a good chat with Jared Taylor, and he seems to accept the differences in racial IQ and how that effects society overall.


These are just a few voices you may have not heard of. I do enjoy watching folks discuss their worldview and the approach they take to it. But, in the latter months of 2018, censorship has been ramped up and seems to have crafted a snowball effect to which the end results are yet known.

Download content from online of videos you find important and the folks who help shed light on topics of actual substance. Document important things which revolve around conservatism, government corruption, globalism, etc. And consider exploring other less popular websites in order to keep receiving intel in regards to the above mentioned.

It’s a war of information. InfoWars was damn right on that.

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