How To Fight Feminist Organizations Such As “Muslims For Progressive Values”

How To Fight Feminist Organizations Such As “Muslims For Progressive Values”

An apparent liberal Muslim named Ani Zonneveld has been making headlines due to her fight against the patriarchy. Now, isn’t this sounding familiar?

She operates a website called Muslims For Progressive Values. Already I can feel exactly where this is going, and where it’ll end. Islam has very conservative values. One being that man is to dominate and women are to submit. And now, in the latter stages of 2018, another patriarchal culture is at risk.

It is not surprising she dwells within the shithole that is Los Angeles, California. I’m not sure if she already had these ‘progressive’ values beforehand, but it fits her values well dwelling amongst the scum of Mother Earth.

Regardless if one is misinterpreting the Quran, Islam and its culture is still overall a patriarchal system which now stands only to fall just as the post-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant West.

Where Does It End?

How To Fight Feminist Organizations Such As “Muslims For Progressive Values”

Women are naturally nurturing by their very nature. It’s debatable now in the West since many have been brainwashed by leftist propaganda and are butch like hell. So when a ‘progressive Muslim’ comes forward preaching the same doctrine as leftism, equality, gay rights, inclusion and globalism, I foresee a few conundrums.

Below are actual quotes from the Muslims For Progressive Values website:

We support women’s agency and self-determination in every aspect of their lives. We believe in women’s full participation in society at every level. We are committed to reproductive justice and empowering women to make healthy decisions regarding their bodies, sexuality, and reproduction.

We support full equality and inclusion of all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, in society and in the Muslim community. We are committed to ending discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. We endorse the human and civil rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI) individuals.

Ah, I see. This strikes me to be just as sickening as contemporary America’s lukewarm Christian culture, if it’s even a culture at all anymore. Granted, I understand how one who is outcasted (gays in Islam) by much of a set society would want equality and to be left alone to be as they are. But I’ve witnessed far too many times that turn into a political and cultural snowball effect that society simply must avoid in order to maintain itself, along with law and order.

And it strikes me with this brutal recognition that not everyone has a say in the public square, or has as much as a say in the public square. And I understand the fear of walking outside without your husband and getting a good beating isn’t very appealing. I’m not necessarily saying that’s even required to maintain law and order. I just know it maintains law and order.

The hard truth is that not everyone benefits, or benefits as much as others. There will always be winners and losers, masters and slaves. I personally don’t like it, but that’s how the real world operates.

How Do We Fight Against Leftism?

How To Fight Feminist Organizations Such As “Muslims For Progressive Values”

Let us take a look at a Bible story. Eve was tempted by the serpent who she then deceived Adam into biting the forbidden fruit. Manipulation by the female, weakened by another who easily made her swoon into a fib, then cast her natural inclination to manipulate upon man. And what happened? Original sin began which crafted a snowball effect that would infest the world until the apocalypse.

It may only be a fable. But it holds weight nonetheless. And there are other various possible mistranslations and other possible forms of that story. But that particular version indicates the deadening of a society when man falls weak to women.

I’ve begun looking at them more like devils who, by their given nature, are seductive and sexually desirable. Man’s nature is to protect, and man falls weak at the knees for a damsel in distress. So, how is man supposed to protect the devil who, again, is game for manipulation and the impending doom of giving in to her request? It’s two forces that are imbalanced in the West. How to balance it?


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The strength and control of man’s emotions would be far too difficult a conundrum for most Western men. The idea itself of never allowing women to be in a higher level of politics or authority over man is not something many Western men would take kindly to. If anything, they’d turn into white knights and cut out the tongue of the man who speaks the offensive reality.

Perhaps the system must truly break down before a new era of strong men can arise.

Man Must Reclaim The Dominant Role

How To Fight Feminist Organizations Such As “Muslims For Progressive Values”

I honestly am not joking when I write that allowing women to vote was an absolute mistake. That does not equate to hate. But my observations of the political and cultural snowball effect are too radical for my society. It doesn’t mean women aren’t allowed to have certain jobs or be involved in society or the art world. I don’t want a sausage-fest in film or music. And nursing jobs are great for women because they play on their natural tendencies toward nurturing someone. It may be why so many women advocate for open borders.

Why have so many females been raped and butchered in Westside Europe? Open borders was a tragedy on their end and allowed in the barbarian to re-establish law and order. A part of law and order, in accordance with Nature, is men lead and the women follow. I do firmly believe a society that understands and establishes this by a coercive hand are bound to lean toward a more hard-right mentality; thus, ensuring a more conservative society. And, by extension, a safer and more secure society with well-defined gender roles and a general routine that won’t get too far out of hand.

I told a man once, while at a store, that I do not support a female as president. His expression seemed to suggest he couldn’t believe I’d make such a statement. He was Indian so he didn’t throw a white-liberal bitch-fit about it. But that mentality is not going to change in the West as it stands today. Ragnar Redbeard was right when he essentially stated that by means of destruction can only then new life be born. It’s a brutal thought because it suggests the unavoidable. Destruction. . .and renewal.

I’m trying to figure out which systems work the best. The ruthless conundrum is that it involves more than the sexes. It entails race, religion, operations of government, etc. It is a complex matter. But the one keen observation I’ve made is the roles men and women play in a society, and trying to find a place to draw a line in the sand.


My country, America The Foolish, has such levels of degeneracy that now that I can spot it and identify it, I feel more grossed-out than I’ve ever been. I see the obese monsters which stomp around every corner, the lifeless limp-wrist men who act on emotion rather than reason and logic, the thickening of multiculturalism and mixing of different languages which may soon become dangerous and tribal, and the watered-down desire for men to be gentlemen and talk about politics or philosophy or religion, or anything of substance rather than video games like Fortnite or goofy piffle which amounts to nothing more than chuckles and brainless nothingness.

How To Fight Feminist Organizations Such As “Muslims For Progressive Values”

I’m not sure what awaits the West or America, to be specific. But I do have one idea: it’ll at least start out with queer-lit leftism against the right-winged, gun-slinging man. Who do you honestly think is going to win?

Read Next: How Patriarchy Evolves Into Matriarchy


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