Dallas area woman murders her daughter, is mourned as a victim.

I was just watching the local news and the mayor of Coppell’s picture is on every channel. They said something about a murder suicide, but since they kept showing this woman in a flattering light I assumed she was one of the victims. I just googled the story under the assumption that her husband had killed her and her daughter. It turns out she was the killer, her husband passed away some time ago. Here is an example of the sickening video they are showing locally:

Coppell City Hall mourns loss of mayor

They have a comments section and clearly I’m not the only one stunned by the way they are handling this:

Children can be so annoying. Sometimes the best thing to do is just to shoot your child in the face.

Coppell City Hall mourns loss of mayor?????????? You must be kidding. The scum mayor is a MURDERER!!!!!!!!!! I hope this scumbag mayor’s funeral procession is NOT honored with a police escourt.

At no point during that video do they mention that she was a killer.  The whole thing is handled euphemistically as “The deaths of the mayor and her daughter”.  But obviously they knew she killed her daughter and then herself  because 30 seconds before the end of the video they note that she “was in great spirits” and “wasn’t despondent”.

Here is another story:
Stunned friends, neighbors mourn deaths of Coppell mayor and daughter

You wouldn’t know she was a murderer except for the hint nestled in this quote:

“I had a Christmas party one year, and Jayne and Don and Corinne came to visit us. We had a wonderful evening together, and they signed my door,” Rafiqui said. Don Peters died in 2008 of cancer.

Today, Lisa Rafiqui’s neighbor is considered a killer, but she says that isn’t the person she knew.

They can’t even directly call her a killer, or use her name when they do…

For those who might misunderstand, I’m not suggesting we start honoring men who kill their families.  I’m glad they are demonized;  anyone who would do such a thing is scum!  But how can the media even to begin to justify glorifying this woman?


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