Game is founded on Evolutionary Psychology, and the fundamental premise is that women will find men more desirable if they were either naturally born with an alpha (Pickup Artist) personality, or learn how to mold themselves into that type of personality. So why is it that alphas (as a personality type) are so rare, and betas so plentiful? If there were really selection pressure towards alpha type personalities, alpha should be the most common personality type. The answer is because as currently defined, alpha isn’t about delivering what women are actually attracted to, but mimicking it close enough to activate their primal instincts. As a fisherman, I do this all the time. Which of the following crawfish looks like a tasty meal to you:
If you chose the second one, I’d wager you are an alpha chaser. You fell for the color, the exciting movement and the stimulating rattling sound of the fake, and overlooked the barbed hooks entirely. Ouch!
The thing is, as a fisherman I don’t care why a fish bites; I’m just looking for a meal. The same goes for the PUA. They don’t care why you sleep with them, so long as you do.
However, as a fisherman I’m also aware that not all fish will fall for such a poor imitation of a crawfish. After all, it doesn’t smell like a real crawfish and given the eye placement it is swimming in the wrong direction! But this doesn’t matter to me. Catching real crawfish and bringing them with me is time consuming and a lot of work. So while I might have more success if I used live bait, I also would have to work much harder and delay my fishing time significantly. Why bother when the fake works so well? Plus, I can take added pride in the sporting nature of my method of take. Those live bait guys have it too easy; all they have to do is lazily dangle the bait and it sells itself. I have the skills to overcome the challenges involved with not having the real thing. I know how to cast in such a way as to not spook the fish, and how to vary the retrieve speed, etc to maximize my chances of success.
Most fish resist their initial instinct to strike when presented with a lure that mimics the food they actually want. They become suspicious that something this easy and this perfect just fell into their laps. Crawfish usually don’t swim past a fish wiggling tantalizingly and making a racket. A smart fish will take a closer look and use some skepticism. Then they realize this isn’t a tasty meal at all, but a trick. They let it swim on past for another fish who isn’t as bright to bite. If I see a school of fish on my fishfinder, I’ll cast into them and see if one of them bites. If they do, dinner! If they don’t, I’ll try a few more casts and then paddle to another spot to try again. This is how PUAs work as well. A core teaching of game is to notice when a woman is likely to be responsive to their alpha mimicking signals. If she doesn’t respond, they move to another target.
I mention this last part because there is a presumption in the manosphere that all women only want to be with alphas. There is basic truth to the fact that women are generally attracted to alpha qualities, and learning some game will help any man become more attractive. But not all women are falling for PUAs. The majority of women still marry in their twenties, despite ready access to PUAs. And the median lifetime partner count for women is only 3.8 (this includes the husband for those who marry). So obviously the women riding the alpha carousel are not the norm, even though it may seem that way to both the women themselves and the alphas they are chasing.
In the past a woman who fell for a cad instead of a less outwardly flashy but more solid and successful beta paid a high price for biting at the lure instead of the real deal. However, she generally still had children and even though they were at a large disadvantage they were often able to survive to adulthood. However, with birth control and the large stigma in the US against middle class women having children out of wedlock, falling for the fake could mean not reproducing at all. Certainly the alpha himself has a strong incentive in the form of child support to ensure that he doesn’t get her pregnant. Plugging this back into the Evo Psych equation, how many generations before this starts to have an impact on the personality type distributions of middle class men and women?
Boiled crawfish photo courtesy
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