Spearhead has a post titled Feminists on the Defensive as Eat Pray Love Widely Panned by Critics. It is an excellent post, which discusses how everyone is treating the abominable subject matter of the latest divorce fantasy movie with kid gloves. In the comment section MNL shared his own story of being pressured by his wife to go to this awful movie:
Damn! A bunch of my wife’s girlfriends just invited my wife out to see this movie (as a big couples date) this weekend. The fellow husbands, and most of the invited wives, likely have no clue what they’re about to pollute themselves with. One of the wives simply read the book (thanks to Orca… er, I mean Oprah’s recommendation) and started the snowball invitation. Shit. Any suggestions on how to turn this situation around and into something funny?
My advice was to confront his wife on how tacky it was for a group of married women to be going to a divorce fantasy movie, and even tackier for them to expect their husbands to go.
The very fact that they would think this was somehow acceptable just blows me away. We have an entire society tip toeing around bad behavior of women out of some perverse fear. So let me be the first to say it in no uncertain terms: Movies and books that fantasize about divorce or (even worse) the death of a spouse are tacky, disgusting, and childish. If you are married and read books like this or watch movies like this, you are being tacky, disgusting, and childish.
I know for many stating the obvious like I just did may come as quite a shock. Hopefully for most readers it will be a pleasant shock. For those who find this unpleasant, I’ll turn it around to prove this isn’t some anti woman rant. If I start fantasizing about the death of my wife so I could remarry another woman, or start fantasizing about divorcing my wife for no good reason and traveling the world in celebration, I would be acting tacky, disgusting and childish.
Edit Aug 23: MNL posted below on how he was able to resolve this with his wife and her group of friends. Nicely handled MNL! Good to see this turned out so well.
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