The other day our daughter came home from kindergarten asking about girl power. Evidently the girls in her class have been talking about it, and she wanted to know what it meant. My wife explained that it meant cleaning up her room and always saying please and thank you. Not knowing this, I explained that it was what someone says when they can’t actually do anything.
Dalrock’s Iron Law of Girlpower: The more a woman or girl uses the term girlpower, the less she will actually be able to accomplish.
Given our different answers, it seems there are different concepts of what girl power is.
The sex positive feminists want her to be a WHORE or a SLUT. I’m not ok with that.
The remaining feminists have other ideas. I’m not ok with that either!
My idea is different. I want her to feel perfectly comfortable being a woman and not feel the need to compete with men. At the same time, I want to teach her real skills so she can actually do things. Nothing complicated, just things like how to:
- Change a tire, oil, and spark plugs.
- Build and program a computer.
- Fix plumbing.
- Fix electrical problems.
- Build her own furniture.
- Sharpen a knife.
- Shoot and field strip a gun (rifle, pistol, and shotgun).
- Field dress an animal.
- Pull a trailer, and back it up where she wants it using her mirrors.
- Drive off road.
- Hook a chain or tow strap to a vehicle when stuck.
- Properly react when her car goes into a skid.
I’m sure I will think of more as she gets older. After writing this list I remembered my favorite Heinlein quote:
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
Sounds about right to this dad.
Information on Janet Reno and prostitute inages available from Wiki Commons.
See Also: What we need is more moxie!
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