A Halloween Confession.

When our daughter was just over two years old my wife took her trick or treating for the first time.  She was extremely cute in her pink leopard costume, and charmed all of the neighbors by her best attempt at Trick or Treat:

Turkey Turkey!

They didn’t hit very many houses but she ended up with a very full pail of candy anyway.  The thing is, we don’t normally keep candy in the house and she had never had any before.  She had had other sweets like cake and cookies and ice cream, but not yet candy.

So she was needless to say very excited about getting candy for the first time.  She would take her pail out and sort it by type, color, and just generally have fun with it.  She had a blast for several weeks.

We didn’t have the heart to tell her she could open it up and eat it, so we decided to keep that part to ourselves.

I know what you must be thinking;  how could you do that?  How could you waste candy that other people spent good money buying?

Not to worry.  My wife and I didn’t let any of it go to waste.


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