Linkage #1: Captain Capitalism
I recently found the captain’s site as a result of all of the traffic he was kindly sending my way. Liking him already, I took a look at his site. Not only does he have good taste in the blogs he links to, but he is an Economist in the Manosphere, who likes guns, and has a softer side.
I swear, it is like looking in the mirror!
He has a nice variety to choose from. If you like your manosphere analysis served with a high dose of economic charty goodness (great term!), then you will no doubt enjoy this piece where he applies economic principles to the question of some women overestimating their value in the marriage market. If you prefer your analysis with more of a manosphere edge, then this piece should be to your liking.
Linkage #2: Solomon II (March 10th: Solomon’s site is down, but he posted the same article on the spearhead so I have changed the link).
I know, I already linked to him twice in the last few weeks. But it isn’t my fault. Solomon is to blame for continuing to write such outstanding posts. I simply can’t help myself. In his Elevator Speech post, he applies his business acumen to the question of how the Manosphere can get its word out:
A woman’s character is of utmost importance. A woman’s past actions matter. In fact, her past matters more than anything else because it reveals the character she developed during her impressionable years. A woman may change what she does, but she can’t change who she is or repair her reputation. Like hot or cold water eventually comes back to room temperature when no external forces are present, so a woman returns to her base character level when no external forces are present. If you choose to be a woman’s external force in order to exact a temperature change within her, don’t be surprised when she reverts to her room temperature character the moment you’re not around.
That is just a taste. Read the full post here. For those of you who prefer a kinder, gentler manosphere, may I suggest his very moving description of his former wife: Solomon II’s Confession. If you prefer more straight up discussion of game and pickup, I think you will appreciate Proverb 21: Special Needs Girls
Linkage #3: The Lost Art of Self-Preservation (for Women)
Grerp has expanded on the question of schadenfreude raised in the comments to my Hamster 500 post in her post: The manosphere’s spinster schadenfreude
If you already know grerp and you haven’t yet read her post, I don’t have to tell you that you want to. If you don’t already know grerp, what are you wasting your time here for? Lay in something to eat and drink near the computer and put on some comfy clothes and start reading. Don’t worry, she has a handy blogroll feature which will alert you when my next post is out.
As to the question of why I care about women’s chances of marriage after a certain age, I think it was precisely what Roissy would call squid ink. Generally I know I’m on to something when the hamster rationalization geiger counter pegs, and the shaming language goes up to 11. Mutually exclusive denials of the fact and accusations that I’m being cruel to those suffering from what was just denied tend to also confirm to me that I’m very much on the right track. I’ll now add a more specific litmus test of “why do you care about this topic so much” as a sure indicator that I’ve hit paydirt.
If you require further proof, consider the fact that in my Hamster 500 post I secretly included images of cute furry hamsters doing things like driving pink cars and waving a checkered flag. Normally this is chick crack of the first order, but none of my female readers even noticed. Some made logical arguments about the point, others were hysterical about it, but the emotion of the topic was so powerful it overwhelmed the cuteness of the hamsters!
Seriously. It has had those cute pictures all along. Those images you saw instead with me juggling kittens while clubbing a baby seal were strictly in your mind. Open up the page and walk away from your PC for 10 minutes. Then come back and look at the screen from 10 feet away. You will see what I mean.
Linkage #4: Hooking Up Smart
Susan has an interesting post up on Understanding the Nature of Male Attraction. She even has data! Enjoy.
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