My wife had a coupon for IHOP a few weeks ago, so we decided to go have breakfast for lunch and invite my buddy along. While we were there another couple sat at the booth next to us, and the man slid in on the woman’s side after she sat down. I didn’t really notice the guy because I was helping my buddy out with his drinking problem. He was wearing his new camo coveralls and looked ready to take on the world, but due to his situation he really needed my help.
My wife had a direct view of them since she was on the other side of the table so the description I’m sharing is from her. The man in the couple was a pretty big guy, built like a biker with a shaved head, wearing a WWE T shirt. At first glance he would have seemed like a tough guy, but he was constantly fawning over his girlfriend. He was rubbing her back, stroking her hair, and giving her little kisses. When it came time to order he made a big point of ordering apple juice to drink. A more alpha guy could have pulled this less than manly beverage order off just fine, but not this guy. His girlfriend looked like she was conflicted; she liked the idea of all of the attention he was giving her, but for some reason she really wasn’t enjoying it. I’m guessing my wife cringed subconsciously when she glanced over and saw him fawning on his girlfriend, because he started giving her man-bitchy looks.
On the drive home my wife mentioned the whole scene to me and said before learning about game she wouldn’t have understood what she had just witnessed. She would have known something was wrong with the picture, but she wouldn’t have known exactly what. We don’t eat out that often, but now she wants to go out just to see more examples of game in work (or examples of it lacking). It really is funny how simple things can become when you have the right model to process the information with. Too bad apple juice boy lacks that understanding.
Oh, and as for my buddy and his drinking problem, don’t worry about him. He should be able to handle it just fine without any help in a matter of months. In the meantime my wife and I are quite happy to help him out. He was quiet during lunch and on the ride home, but I think he saw the man bitchy looks apple juice boy was giving my wife. I snapped a picture of him while we were eating and when I reviewed the photos later I noticed he had adopted a protective posture.
He is a pretty perceptive fellow.
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