Google censors my exposé

I’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of support the manosphere has provided to my exposé on’s far fetched Single in the Suburbs “column”.  I want to sincerely thank all of the bloggers who have helped get out the word on this.

Unfortunately Google seems equally interested in making sure the word doesn’t get out.  Until last night, my original post on the topic came up in the first page of results when I searched the words “Single in the Suburbs” in google.  I can only speculate on the reasons, but google has removed that page from their search engine.  Now if you google single in the suburbs, you will see many pages referencing my post, but not the post itself.  The same is true if you search the other half of the title:  how sells your wife post marital spinsterhood.  Note that the second search term returns multiple links to my site, but none to the original exposé.

For now Bing and Yahoo still will return the original page.  And as a consolation, if I search the full title of the post in quotes google will return a link to the page itself.

My guess is or the author realized they had a problem and contacted google to help sweep it under the rug.  However, I’m not the problem, and neither is my original post.  Their problem is they sold this unbelievable story as non fiction for years, and even published the fact that it broke up marriages.

Google censors my exposé

This isn’t one small article that ran on their site.  This was a 141 post column they published over several years. And they can’t claim they expected their readers to know it was fiction, because they are now on record in their email to me that it was presented to them as non fiction.

Can you imagine being the executive who has to figure out how to defend this?  Assuming they were the ones who contacted google to have this removed from the search results, this must have generated some high visibility attention within’s managerial ranks.  I wonder whose boss it is who has to explain how they hired a romance novelist whose specialty is fiction framed as fact multi part diary entries to write their true life dating column.  As I showed in the original post, before writing Single in the Suburbs Debra Kent wrote a very similar fictional series for Redbook for 9 years running.  After writing this supposedly true story which just happens to read like a romance novel, she started another weekly diary style fiction series called The Devil Wears Dockers.

I can certainly understand why would want to sweep this whole thing under the rug, but I think whoever contacted google made things worse for them.  I was basically ready to move on with this.  Now I’m angry.  I may not be in a position to prove this is false, but that doesn’t mean no one is.  Many of the key details of the story would leave a footprint in public records. I’ve already pointed out that the job loss doesn’t square with her linked in bio (don’t worry if you lose your copy Debra, I’ve made a backup).  Off the top of my head one could readily investigate:

  • The author claims she was married for 23 years.
  • She claims she was recently divorced with two kids.
  • The author claims she listed her home for sale during this period (I can’t tell from skimming the columns if the sale ever went through).

Does anyone know of an investigative journalist who would be interested in digging into this?

Update: Roughly a week after I published this post a reader noted that Google had stopped suppressing search results for this page.  I don’t know why they first suppressed the page and later stopped, but the fact that they stopped suppressing it so quickly seems to weaken the theory of those who say this is all done without human intervention at Google.

See Also:


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