Captain Capitalism addressed our current economic malaise in his recent post Economic Fail of the Century.
As some of you are aware, the price of oil has become somewhat pricey in recent months. It’s now around $100 and we get to pay approaching $4 a gallon in gas.
Accusations will be made. Big oil will be blamed. Investigations launched. But in the end it is the unstoppable forces of economics and the declining currency of a declining nation that will win in the end of the day and you will continue to have to pay $4 a gallon in gas…maybe $5 or $6 when summer rolls around.
He offers some instructive graphs, but I have a graph of my own that I prefer:
But the Captain doesn’t just come to us to state the obvious (that we have a problem), he comes with a solution. I have to say, I’ve been practicing his gas saving trick for nearly 6 years. Despite the fact that I drive a 13 year old 4×4 pickup, I use far less gas than the average Prius owner.
But I’m not going to give his secret away. You will have to check out his blog post for the answer.
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