Should I Divorce Him?

I run across the strangest sites when searching the web for stats, like:  Should I Divorce Him?

This lovely site is a place for women who want to thoughtfully discuss their soon to be ex husbands.  I’ve searched for “Should I Divorce Her?” but for some reason there isn’t such a site for men.

One of the main sections of the site is the Hall of Shame, where women post Photos showcasing shameful behavior – husbands and marriage at its worst.  These husbands are really bad!  For example, there is the dastardly man who didn’t take out the garbage:

99 bottles of soda in the can…

Ok, maybe there’s only 97. It’s plain to see that everything has its limits… including this recycling pail.

I apologize for not warning you in advance how troubling this man’s actions are.  But now consider yourself forewarned.  It gets worse.  Another husband left the toilet seat up!  And this other bastard failed to put the toilet paper on the dispenser properly!  But all of these SOBs are mere child’s play compared to the man who sent his ex wife a box of chocolates!

I gave him my heart, and all I got was this lousy box of chocolates in return. Valentine’s Day sucks, especially  when you’re alone. Out of the goodness of his heart, my estranged husband gave me a box of candy “from the kids.” It was thoughtful and thoughtless at the same time. The last thing I needed this holiday was a reminder that I no longer had a Valentine. Thanks for the memories.

But don’t assume the entire site is filled with women bitching about men.  Seriously.  Stop it.

In addition to the above section where women send in photos bitching about men, there is also a forum for them to bitch about men titled The Bitchin’ Boards.  There are also blogs where women can bitch about men titled The Hag Rags.  In the forum there is a section where women can emote on whether, when, and how to pull the trigger on divorce, as well as one for them to discuss their fabulous single lives after divorce.  Unlike the very full forum for women to fantasize about their power to divorce, the latter section is surprisingly sparse with only three posts since 2007.  The most recent one is titled The Difference Between Reality and Fantasy…

I have been divorced for three months now.  I’ve used this site as a sounding board and it has helped me greatly to decide whether to leave my abusive 10 year relationship or stay with the bastard…
Physically, I get alot of male attention, so I pictured this lifestyle with thoughts of dinner and dancing with a hot stud…
I am back to reality, full force….
The new has worn off and I am home alone on a Saturday night with a lukewarm invitation from the man I’m dating to join him for drinks after he is finished with his family dinner.  *sigh*.

Luckily her hamster regains his footing and rationalizes her back to being happy with her choice by the end of the post, but those brief glimpses of reality can be quite unsettling.

I think most women sense that this will be the case, which is why so many seem to relish in prolonging the process of deciding to divorce as long as possible.  Once the button is pushed, they can’t relish the power any longer.  Some women make the rookie mistake of staying married too long before discovering they aren’t haaapy, or failing to twist the knife long enough when deciding how to be true to themselves.  These women could learn a thing or two about marriage from one of the bloggers on the site named Newlywed.  She started bitching about her husband back in December of 2007.  Here is an excerpt from one of her first posts:

Since I am newly married — for about 10 months now — everyone I talk to always asks, “So how’s married life?” I really don’t want to tell them the truth and say something like “It’s the biggest mistake I ever made.”

…Now I see him everyday so there is nothing special about the weekends. He is not even fun to be around anymore. Now I have to clean twice as much because he is a total slob who refuses to clean anything. I used to enjoy decorating my place. I liked picking out colors, hanging up pictures, and choosing items to display in my home. Now of course we share a place so we both get to decide how we want it to look.

Sounds like she had some unrealistic expectations.  Go figure.  As of her most recent blog entry in February of 2010, she is (still) going to give him another chance:

I have finally made decision. Prince Charming (P.C.) and I have been apart for quite a while now.  We have been talking and emailing, and I have seen him twice, but we haven’t been living together. He’s been working out of town, and I have been going to school in another state. Now that P.C. has had some time to change, and I have had some time to focus on school we are getting back together.

Now that is how you string the guy along, ladies!  And if it doesn’t work out, just remember your secret multi-millionaire hunky handyman is only a mouse click away!

But not all guys are guilty of the above referenced crimes against humanity.  Some guys are guilty of a totally different kind of offense.  For example, in the section for women to bitch about their boyfriends, the lone post is by a woman whose boyfriend inexplicably won’t commit!  meesha59 bravely bares her pain:

Been dating my boyfriend for approx. 7 years – still no commitment.  How long is too long?

Seriously. What is wrong with these men who can’t commit?


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