Trapped working like a man!

Dr Helen has a new post out titled “Burnt-out” or just working like a man?  The evil patriarchy knows no bounds.  They have women trapped in yet another way!

Funny, feminists have always told women they “could have it all.” Now that they do, they are all a bunch of martyrs, no different than the way the 1950s housewives were described by feminists. Have you noticed that women are always portrayed as a bunch of martyrs who “never put themselves first,” no matter the circumstances? The solution to their woes always seems to be to get more “me time.”

I often watch men drag themselves to work or do things that call for sacrifice without complaining or sometimes, they have a heart attack or other health problem that no one really cares about and certainly, they get little sympathy.

Men are also adapting to new roles and doing much more in the home as well as working. People just call that “life” if you’re a man. If you are a woman who works too hard, you are “burnt-out” and need help. Maybe “burnt-out” is just another phrase that means “work like a man.” Feminists and their suck-ups are always saying that women are “superior” to men, but when I read articles like this one, I’m not so sure.

Will no one help these selfless martyrs?

Also, the bloggers at Traditional Christianity have been quite busy.  If you haven’t checked it out recently I highly recommend it.  There is something for everyone, including a post by THECOTTAGECHILD titled Are you tired of me, my darling? in response to my recent post on divorcée retirement.

Frequent commenter UncleFred has created a new blog with his first post on Game and being a man. Captain Capitalism has a new post up on Corporate Infidelity.   Hawaiian Libertarian has a new post discussing opportunity cost and parenting.  Also, Elusive Wapiti has a post up on women in the military.  Feel free to point out any other posts you think I or my readers would enjoy in the comments section.


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