World Net Daily has a story on a man who was arrested after his four year old daughter drew a picture of him with a gun (emphasis mine):
…Sansone’s 4-year-old daughter had drawn a picture of a man holding a gun. When the teacher asked her who the man in the picture was, the girl replied that it was her daddy, and that he uses the gun to shoot bad guys and monsters.
The teacher alerted child protective services based on concern that the little girl and her siblings might be living in a home with an unsecured firearm in it. The folks at children’s services called the police because guns are a police matter, and the police went to the school and arrested the father when he came in.
When our daughter was four she asked me what I would do if a bad guy broke into our house. She wanted to know if I had any superhero moves like on the cartoons she watched. Sadly I don’t, but fortunately as the saying goes:
God made men, but Samuel Colt made them equal.
I explained to her that while I lack any of the powers of Superman, I’m prepared to protect her and the rest of the family in the unlikely event that any bad men decide to break into our home. I haven’t taken her to the range yet, but she has watched me clean my .45. She was satisfied with my ability to protect her and didn’t wonder any further about the question.
Fortunately in the World Net Daily story it was all a misunderstanding. The Canadian police determined that her father posed no credible threat to any bad guys or monsters who might want to harm her and let him go:
Everyone was eventually allowed to return home, and they were even allowed to keep the clear plastic suction dart pistol Daddy used for shooting bad guys and monsters…
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