
Professor Mentu was kind enough to link my entire Reframing Christian Marriage series in his post:

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the oh my god I can’t believe she’s wearing those heels with that skirt!

I should warn you in advance that his language can be a touch rough at times.  More importantly, for those who are uncomfortable with actual biblical marriage, suffer from an addiction to grooms, and/or lack the courage to hold your own church leadership accountable, you will feel an irresistible urge to attack the messenger.  Don’t worry, this is only natural.  After all, if only men like Professor Mentu were to change their ways the fact that your pastor would pass out if anyone showed him what the Bible actually says about marriage and divorce would become irrelevant.  If after reading such churchian heresy you feel the need to repent, say 10 Man up and marry those sluts! and watch the movie Courageous while weeping in front of your family and you will be forgiven.

For those who crave additional penance, be sure to buy and read the books from Joel and Kathy Davisson as Bskillet has expertly taken out in his God Save My Hamster series:

Don’t miss Empathologicalism’s take on Joel and Kathy:

Your wife had an affair, its your fault


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