Man up and marry those sluts, Friday afternoon light reading edition.

Man up and marry those sluts, Friday afternoon light reading edition.

Don’t worry men, there are plenty of slightly used career women getting ready to marry.

Man up and marry those sluts, Friday afternoon light reading edition.

Reader imnobody linked to an article on a site called The Gloss titled 7 Things I Should Have Told My Grandparents When They Asked Why I’m 28 and Not Married.  It offers some insight into the thought process of the unprecedented crop of marriage delaying women.  The whole slideshow is what she wishes she would have said instead of running away and bursting into tears when asked.  Just remember, she really isn’t worried about it.  There is absolutely nothing wrong.  So stop making her cry!

Even better than the article and slideshow are the comments, especially this one:

My married best friend’s mother does this to me. Finally I just told her: “Because everyone I know who got married before they were 30, ended up being chronic adulteresses.” Don’t know if she knew about her daughter’s plethora of affairs before, but she does now, and she hasn’t bothered me since.

Evidently not enough time on the carousel means the woman is too slutty to marry.  Make a note of that men.

From the same site, also for your reading pleasure I offer I’m Single, But I Want A Wedding:

…(because I would, one day, like to get married) but that I am not saying “I want to get married.” I want a wedding. I want to plan a wedding. There’s a pretty massive difference.

You may also enjoy  I’m Engaged! What I Learned From Twenty Years of Dating:

Oh look, I got engaged!

I’m happy and all, but if you talk about that too much, half the women you know are all like, “Bitch.”

Then comes the era of Men Whom You Live With…

Her fiancé must be so proud to read this.  Just think of all of the great things she learned from those other men she was with.

In praise of a decade-plus on your own

I care about getting credit — and professional respect, where it’s due — for my work. I care a lot. I don’t see any point in the false humility of pretending otherwise. Professional respect is an important part of a gentlewomanly life.

That feminist merit badge is critical to get before getting married.  Otherwise you risk being one of those mothers whose only accomplishments are having long hair and wearing prairie skirts.

On a more serious but related note, earlier this week I stumbled onto a series of recent articles triumphantly declaring that college educated women don’t have to worry about delaying marriage.  From the NY Times opinion section, The M.R.S. and the Ph.D.:

Is this really the fate facing educated heterosexual women: either no marriage at all or a marriage with more housework and less sex? Nonsense. That may have been the case in the past, but no longer. For a woman seeking a satisfying relationship as well as a secure economic future, there has never been a better time to be or become highly educated.

From the Chicago Tribune, Women say ‘I do’ to education, then marriage.  The subheading trumpets Study highlights historic reversal: Women with degrees more likely to wed than less-educated counterparts.  There is just one small problem;  the study is of women who were born from 1958 to 1964.  It turns out that almost all women currently in their late 40s and early 50s got married.  I could have told them that.  Unfortunately the generation of women this is aimed at aren’t acting remotely like the generation of women in the study, as the chart at the top of the post demonstrates.  Some choice quotes from the article:

Now, marriage is an achievement women make after they are educated and start their careers

And, making the same point I made here:

…college is no longer a “marriage partner market. College girls look at the men they are dating as Mr. Right Now, not Mr. Right.

Referencing the same study, is Slate XX with College-Educated Women No Longer Risk Being “Old Maids”.


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