Man Woman & Myth on Misandry

Video blogger Man Woman & Myth has put together an outstanding series of short documentaries explaining the problems with feminism.  Many of you may have seen some of his videos before, but I would like to drive more attention to them.  All of us know men and women who might be somewhat open to breaking away from the fem centric frame of our mainstream culture on one topic or another.  His videos are a great way to advance the conversation with someone who isn’t ready to accept how profoundly feminism has corrupted our culture.  Think of them as topic specific glasses you can share with others without overwhelming them.

Here is some information about the author from the About page on his blog:

The author of this site is from the UK, is married and is eminently well-adjusted. He has decided to create this site and the documentary video series out of a desire to point out the numerous and glaring failures of Feminism and bring the spotlight onto its single crowning achievement: the extensive and horrific institutional hatred against men in Western societies – misandry.

Thankfully, the author has not fallen foul of the various pitfalls Western men must navigate due to Feminist women and the Feminised state and cannot, therefore, be easily classed as the “bitter-and-twisted activist”. There are no unhappy marriages or nasty divorces, no paternity fraud or unwanted children, no false rape accusations or any particularly negative event whatsoever which prompted this website and documentary. He is simply a man who has a clear view on the toxic nature of Feminism, its corrupting effect on women and it’s larger negative effects on all of us.

Feminism only truly serves the state and certain other groups, but women just don’t see it. Feminist women don’t understand that they are not the opposite sex, they are the complimentary sex. The “battle of the sexes” defeats us all.

In future weeks I’ll spotlight different videos.  I think the weekends are ideal for this because you probably won’t want to watch videos at the workplace due to the political nature of them.  Feminism is truly our state religion and videos like this are therefore heresy.  Assuming you are in a place where you can freely watch the video, enjoy his youtube short: Misandry – Men Don’t Exist


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