I’m going to be taking a blogging break for about a week and will be disabling comments later this evening. In the meantime, I thought I would leave you with some baby mama drama:
The Daily Mail: Single mom, sorry!’: The ‘tip’ one woman left after enjoying a lavish $138 meal
But before you judge, a blogger from Mommyish is convinced this is a frame job. Don’t miss her thoughtful post: La La La, I Can’t Hear You: I Refuse To Believe A Single Mom Left This Crappy Tip
Rounding out the baby mama drama is the outrage over the I hate teen moms facebook page: ‘I Hate Teen Moms’ Facebook Page Under Fire
This last one is a bit unfair, because women who marry young (and stay married) and have children before they turn 20 shouldn’t be included with the mass of teenage unwed mothers who are the driving the backlash.
Edit: Bonus baby mama drama (H/T Mrs. Dalrock). Anonymous Mom: I’m Tired Of Feeling Grateful To My Husband For Marrying A Single Mom
Note: Comments are now set to all go to moderation. I’ll let them through in a week or so.
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