A proper dressing down for unchivalrous men.

Somewhere in the world a woman is upset!  What are you as lazy men doing to fix this?

Sorry for being so harsh, but you men need to hear this.  I know I do.  For example, just the other day I was reading about a woman in London who was victimized by modern men’s useless laziness.  The article was titled Is there a man left under 40 who isn’t a rude, ignorant pig?  I don’t know about you but the title alone really hit home.  Now that I think about it, I really am a rude ignorant pig!  Why didn’t I even notice?  The author of the article is an incredible woman.  She is as sassy, strong, and independent as they come;  yet even she finds that men are letting her down.

Some time back she was doing her own strong and independent thing (I’m guessing on her way to a power meeting or preparing to write another article decrying traditional gender roles in marriage), when out of the blue her car thingy stopped working;  I think she said it was the doohickey or something.  Anyway, here she is, a strong independent woman, but this car thingy has made her upset!

They could see my distress when I began ­peering under the bonnet.

Some of you men (I hate to use the term so loosely) need a remedial lesson in chivalry, so for those who need it spelled out a woman becoming upset is the universal signal that you need to swing into action right away.  Don’t feel too bad if you didn’t know this, because there were men right there on the scene who either didn’t know or shirked their obligation:

Next to me was a building site full of men in fluoro ­jackets standing doing ­nothing.

I shouldn’t have to reiterate that she was upset while these men in flouro jackets were doing nothing.  This baffling inaction by London’s men left our heroine to take extreme measures, as she was reduced to calling for professional assistance:

I got back in the car, and on my mobile phone to call the BMW breakdown ­service to get the vehicle recovered. I was in tears. Still no one ­bothered to help.

Thats right, she was in tears, yet those shameful men left her to the fate of calling BMW for service!  At one point in her incredible ordeal it looked like modern manhood was about to at least partially redeem itself, because one man approached the passenger side window to check on her.  Again, most men reading already know this, but the first rule of assisting strong and independent women is you must take great risks rather than cause her the slightest inconvenience.  While approaching on the passenger side is the safest way to handle this, what he thoughtlessly didn’t consider was all of the trouble this would cause her in rolling down the passenger side window:

In the midst of all this, a parking warden knocked on my passenger window. I wound it down. ‘I can’t hear you,’ I said. ‘Why didn’t you knock on the driver’s window?’

Do you know what he said? ‘To do that I would have to stand in the road and I might get run over.’

I can’t put it any better than the strong independent woman herself:

Young working British men: you should be ashamed.

This being the manosphere I already know what my readers are thinking:

That was the UK.  Most of us in the manosphere are in the US, and we would never suffer to allow a woman in our presence to become upset!

The fact is it is all too easy to blame it on the other guy, so my next story of lazy thoughtless modern men is from Rachel commenting on Sheila Gregoire’s blog.  After explaining that lifeboats should be reserved for women because their lives are more valuable than men’s lives, Rachel recounted a gut wrenching story of a man who didn’t know his place:

I was sharing an elevator with a man about my age. When the elevator stopped, I automatically started to get off and he almost ran into me! I am so used to men letting me get off the elevator first, it hadn’t occurred to me that he wouldn’t.  Once I righted myself, I got thinking about it and why would he let me off first? I am his equal.

This got her thinking about us men and how she can best make use of the fact that while she is our equal, our lives are worth less than her life:

I started to think if there was a scientific reason, and I could not come up with one. In fact, I thought maybe the man should go first to let him see if it’s safe…

I have to admit that for a bit this really made it hard for me to know when I can get off an elevator.  But now I make it a point to rush out and check each floor first for danger whenever a high powered career woman pushes the button to get off.  When I do this I can tell I’ve shamed the other men in the elevator, because they almost always look down and try to suppress a nervous laugh of embarrassment at their own worthlessness.  Sure, this can make for an awkward moment when I get back on the elevator, but I’d rather do the right thing than spare these worthless men’s feelings.

Rachel has also helped me understand under what circumstances a less valuable person like myself (and the men reading) should be allowed to enter a lifeboat on a sinking ship:

The thought process led to thinking about the “women and children first” policy and I do still think that applies, unless the child who is getting on the life boat is only accompanied by his/her father. I think then the dad should be able to get on the life boat with his child(ren).

I don’t want to do too much dressing down in one day, so I’ll close with just one more example where able bodied men allowed a woman to become upset.  This woman carried her computer in to a shop at the local mall to have it fixed, and then changed her mind and carried it back to her car.  Along the way she became visibly upset, yet no men intervened and insisted on carrying her computer for her:

I don’t know how much it weighs, but by the time I got all the way back to my car I was nearly in tears because it was SO heavy and I was SO frustrated. And here’s my point: I cannot even tell you how many able-bodied young men I passed while I was carrying something that was OBVIOUSLY too heavy for me.

Remember men, we exist to prevent the women of the world from becoming upset.  Fortunately this woman is a mother and will raise her sons right:

When I finally got to my car I called my husband and told him that my boys will NEVER pass someone who needs help and not offer to help them. I was so disgusted that not one single man offered to help me! So so so sad. I can’t influence any of the men who passed me by, but I can certainly influence the 3 young men God has entrusted to my care and if I have ANYTHING to do with it, they WILL put women and children first!!!

Sure, there are three good men on the way, but don’t sit around waiting for them to arrive.  In the meantime, there are women who are upset.  All of us have a responsibility here.  Don’t wait for them to be in tears;  spot the potential events which could make women you don’t know upset, and take preventative action.  If we all pitch in we can make this right together.  The women of the world have waited long enough.  Don’t keep them waiting any longer.


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