Liz Jones is the well known columnist whom I referenced in the opening segment of my last post. I thought I’d follow up with some links.
Captain Capitalism wrote a post not too far back naming Liz as one of what he calls The Dowd Crowd where he advises young women of the dangers of following the advice of women like her.
I stumbled on an article yesterday written by her ex husband titled How feminism destroyed real men. This is the man she complained about sitting in the warm car while she filled it up in cold weather. It was written during the brief time they were married, and what struck me was that when he isn’t praising her strong independentness he sounds remarkably like Roissy. He also points out that feminist women like Liz need over the top alphas like him:
I’m always telling my wife, the writer Liz Jones, to shut up. She gets into a prissy huff about it, but I know she respects me for not indulging her neuroticism. Long ago, I realised it is unhealthy for a man to embroil himself in arguments with women.
While men want an argument to make sense and have a rational conclusion, women solely want the argument itself: it’s a pressure valve for their emotions, and once they get started there is no stopping them.
I deal with these elements of the female personality with impassive indifference. People might call me a sexist pig, but I am the opposite. I love women, and I love my wife because she is brilliant and incredibly strong.
She is a warrior and she needs to be with someone who is a match for her. Knowing the limits of what I will deal with in a relationship, I maintain my self-respect and, accordingly, gain hers.
He also explains how he used his mastery of her in the bedroom to smooth things over after his last affair.
My last post wasn’t my first satirical one involving Liz Jones. You may also enjoy A post-marital spinster’s rationalization hamster in the final stages of exhaustion.
See also Vox Day’s take on my “dressing down” post here.
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