Fox News recently did a segment on Dr. Helen’s Men On Strike, and clearly Dr. Helen has hit a nerve. Dr. Helen wrote:
[The] new world order is a place where men are discriminated against, forced into a hostile environment in school and later in college, and held in contempt by society. Maybe there is no incentive to grow up anymore. It used to be that being a grown-up, responsible man was rewarded with respect, power and deference. Now, not so much.
Tucker Carlson responded to the quote with the Traditional Conservative* party line:
Every word of that is true, and let me say who cares? If you’re a man, stop whining and reclaim your birthright which is masculinity, and masculinity and male power derive from responsibility. You don’t embrace responsibility, you have no power
This line of thinking is essentially saying:
We’ll teach those feminists! Once they are done screwing other men and playing career woman, we’ll marry them and support them! And if they decide to divorce us, why we’ll give them cash and prizes!
Take that feminists!
Or perhaps:
Prove how powerful and traditional you are; man up and marry those sluts!
Follow the link above to check out the video. The combination of feminist contempt by the eye rolling female host and faux traditionalism by Tucker Carlson is something which has to be seen to be fully appreciated.
Interestingly the day before Carlson’s comments, Matt K. Lewis at Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller wrote a favorable piece on Dr Helen’s book titled Going Galt: Why men are boycotting marriage, fatherhood and the American Dream.
…most observers of this phenomenon have concluded that we just need to “man up.” That is, until now. Dr. Helen Smith’s new book, is decidedly different, inasmuch as she argues that if men are checking out of society, it’s only because we are making rational decisions about changing incentives.
All of this also follows the the recent dust up over a Fox News segment regarding the increase in women as the primary breadwinner, where Juan Williams states:
I just think that this should be in large letters on the front page of every newspaper in America because what we are seeing with four out of ten families now the woman is the primary breadwinner you are seeing the disintegration of marriage…
You are seeing I think, systemically, larger than the political stories that we follow every day something going terribly wrong in American society, and it is hurting our children.
Fox News host Megyn Kelly was incensed that a group of men were disturbing the mound, and brought Lou Dobbs and Erick Erickson on to her show to scold them for daring to challenge feminist progress:
*Not All Traditional Conservatives Are Like That.
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