If women can’t be manly Marines, then manly Marines must wear girly hats.

If women can’t be manly Marines, then manly Marines must wear girly hats.

Current covers left, proposed covers right.

Juli Weiner of Vanity Fair mocks the idea that manly Marines would want to remain manly:

Marine officers vote on Friday whether they want to adopt the new hats and look like the cast of RENT eating a damn banana smoothie at a David Barton gym or whether they to keep the old hats and with them, their masculinity. [Spits chewing tobacco on ground.]

According to the NY Post after voting by Marines on the proposed covers ends on Friday the final decision will be made by Gen James Amos.

NY Post:  Obama wants Marines to wear ‘girly’ hats

Marine Corps Times:  Marine Corps seeks feedback on universal cover for men and women


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