He ruined the surprise.

Christian mommyblogger Jenny Erikson is outraged that her pastor ruined the surprise she had planned for her husband.  She explains in How My Husband Found Out I Was Leaving Him:

So there you go. My Pastor had actually told my husband, based on a fourth-hand rumor, without talking to me first, that I was planning on leaving him. That. Just. Happened.

“I filed for divorce last week,” I told him flatly. “I was planning on telling you this Friday.”

That her husband would defend such an outrage is one of the many reasons she decided the father of her children had to go:

My husband defended him as doing his pastoral duty. I looked him straight in the eyeballs and said, “The fact that you are defending this man’s actions yesterday is one of a thousand reasons I cannot stay married to you.”

The comments are quite telling about the state of modern Christianity, with a few Christians going against the grain pointing out her obvious rebellion and the majority (including Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and Protestant commenters) lining up to throw her pastor (and marriage) under the bus.  I can only assume she needs all the internet support she can get, because dating as a single mom is hard enough without google making it harder for her.


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